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Posts posted by Benshi96

  1. If they keep the same engine, it will probably stay the same. If they switch to the Arma 3 engine it will probably increase

    I wouldn't be too sure about that since they said in an interview that the requirements will stay the same... Well not exactly the same ofcourse, but won't increase too much. "Who is able to play Arma 2 will be able to play Arma 3, too." they said.

  2. Hi there, I have the problem that whenever I install a betapatch above 93965 (94444 for example) I can only play on servers with that beta patch installed. So if I have 94444 I can only play on servers running beta 94444 and not on servers running (for example) 93965. That is annoying as hell. Does anyone know how to fix it? (It started with beta 94103)

  3. Hi there,

    since update 1.7.1 I can only run for the first few minutes on a server and then I have to wait like 20 minutes until I can run (or crouch fast) for another few minutes... Is that intention (stamina or such) or is it a bug?

    By the way : I can still sprint even if I can't run anymore.

    (I wanted to post something about the performance, too. But then came out and my FPS are good again. [Thanks Rocket :)])

  4. That could be because DayZ is a mod that needs an incredible PC to run well. You have good graphics (I think they're good) and a big map of 225km² with players and zombies all over it.

    Incredible PC to do what?

    Arma2:Operation Arrowhead runs 60fps on same map' date=' in [u']SAME LOCATION, and DayZ runs 5fps...

    I think you don't understand Graphics Card work principle, it doesn't render the hole map, loot, zeds, at the same time, it renders ONLY what is in front of you, the place you are fasing, everything else is done by the SERVER.

    Well I don't know. Do what you want about that I just know it lags.

  5. That could be because DayZ is a mod that needs an incredible PC to run well. You have good graphics (I think they're good) and a big map of 225km² with players and zombies all over it. So if your PC is not strong enough it's not fault of the mod that you can't play it. I mean to be honest... If it wouldn't have a map that big it wouldn't be that awesome.

    Same problem here.

    Before the patch i was running GREAT FPS' date=' and could run the game on Medium/High settings.

    Now even on Low/Lowest i get a mere 5-9 FPS, If that. COMPLETELY unplayable. I am now re-downloading and re-installing OA On steam, and then will try again.


    Why are you re-downloading and re-installing it? The question is not if it's a problem of your PC/your version. It is an issue of Beta 1.7.1 and it luckily is backwards compatible so we can still play on servers with an older version running. Just wait for the fix and until then play on servers running an older version.
