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About Benshi96

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  1. Benshi96

    Tip to avoid teleporting air death

    bankst3r, sadly they can be found easily.
  2. Benshi96

    DayZ Standalone system requirements

    Heh, need to upgrade my PC, too... Well or buy a new one but I guess I'll upgrade mine. With a 9500 GS, DayZ doesn't run too smooth. But it's hard to get the money needed with an income of 20€ (I live in germany) per month :3
  3. Benshi96

    DayZ Standalone system requirements

    I wouldn't be too sure about that since they said in an interview that the requirements will stay the same... Well not exactly the same ofcourse, but won't increase too much. "Who is able to play Arma 2 will be able to play Arma 3, too." they said.
  4. Hi there, I want to ask the question if you think that the standalone version of DayZ will have the same requirements the mod has now, or if they will change. Tell me your opinion.
  5. Hey, I got killed by a tank on Dallas 44 (I think it was an admin who drove it). I saw it / got killed by it at 1:28 am (timezone : gmt +1). I don't know the name of the player(s) unfortunately.
  6. Benshi96

    Problem with the new beta patch(es)

    Still no answers?
  7. Hi there, I have the problem that whenever I install a betapatch above 93965 (94444 for example) I can only play on servers with that beta patch installed. So if I have 94444 I can only play on servers running beta 94444 and not on servers running (for example) 93965. That is annoying as hell. Does anyone know how to fix it? (It started with beta 94103)
  8. Benshi96

    Can't run anymore. Bug or not?

    Well... The problem apparently was that I accidently rightclicked and didn't notice it because of the "no weapon on spawn"-thing. :)
  9. Hi there, since update 1.7.1 I can only run for the first few minutes on a server and then I have to wait like 20 minutes until I can run (or crouch fast) for another few minutes... Is that intention (stamina or such) or is it a bug? By the way : I can still sprint even if I can't run anymore. (I wanted to post something about the performance, too. But then came out and my FPS are good again. [Thanks Rocket :)])
  10. Benshi96

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    Incredible PC to do what? Arma2:Operation Arrowhead runs 60fps on same map' date=' in [u']SAME LOCATION, and DayZ runs 5fps... I think you don't understand Graphics Card work principle, it doesn't render the hole map, loot, zeds, at the same time, it renders ONLY what is in front of you, the place you are fasing, everything else is done by the SERVER. Well I don't know. Do what you want about that I just know it lags.
  11. Benshi96

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    Yeah Worrom Updater can't download it and Six Launcher is buggy for me (9999 ping on all servers). Well I'll wait until tomorrow and try to get it running then. Have a nice evening everyone. EDIT : Huh, Mirrors seem to be down at the moment.
  12. Benshi96

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    Well it seems like the hotfix is out now and can be downloaded through 6 Updater, Worrom's DayZ Mod Updater or manually. Let's try it out :3
  13. Benshi96

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    Ugh I told sh*t. That version isn't backwards compatible? Right, wrong version of DayZ Code... Well I guess I'll just wait for the fix then.
  14. Benshi96

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    And the cpu/gpu utilization being so low is obviously an error in the code or something like that (I'm not that good with codes and scripts and so on). But until the issue is fixed just go to 1.7.0 servers and play there. And I think it will be fixed soon.
  15. Benshi96

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    That could be because DayZ is a mod that needs an incredible PC to run well. You have good graphics (I think they're good) and a big map of 225km² with players and zombies all over it. So if your PC is not strong enough it's not fault of the mod that you can't play it. I mean to be honest... If it wouldn't have a map that big it wouldn't be that awesome.