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Everything posted by DayZCiv

  1. DayZCiv

    Auto-Restart Not Possible?

    We also use Multiplay, and have the same restart issue. I sent in a ticket, and this was my reply: "4 hour auto restarts can be set via Clanforge in the server information section. However, this will only restart when the server goes empty. There is currently no way to force a restart while the server is populated on a schedule." As our server is *never* empty, how is this to work? It makes no sense; we are a private hive only with 3 servers; our main server ranked #2 worldwide as per GameTracker. I have no idea why this provider chooses to make life hard for people that pay a premium price for services.
  2. We at The Civ decided to lock down one of our 3 servers, to test the camp lag people are experiencing. As we suspected, trucks or truck storage are the apparent culprit. We drove NO trucks on that server after locking it down and ran in a bunch of tents to NWAF, filled them with loot. Did we lag out? Here's the test on video: We worked hard as a community, at our own expense, to test this theory. It appears we may have found the culprit!
  3. The servers only restart if empty, it appears. We have been forced to manually restart every 4 hours to keep the main server full and playable. Twice daily persistence wipes as well! SUCKS! Anyhow, until BattlEye allows you to schedule restarts via BEC, you will probably be stuck doing it manually. If you do happen to figure out a way to schedule them that works, please let me know!
  4. Aaand the long-awaited Part 3. We added a truck into the mess that was over 1km away, heading toward our camp.
  5. Part 2 is here, we added barrels and addressed some questions:
  6. We are currently looking for barrels, so we can test further. Once barrels are added, if there is no difference in performance, we will bring in a truck or two and show the effect...
  7. It's definitely worth a shot! With *no* trucks used on the server at all, we had the results on the video. Currently, our core is looking for barrels to add them to the test, but that takes a while :)
  8. DayZCiv

    .308 Ammo not named right...

    .308 ammunition in a stack shows as 0.308mm round, when it's .308" .. Or simply .308. .308mm would be needle thin :) This only happens when you hover over the chambered rounds, in a Blaze, so far..
  9. Hello, I'm Red, the owner of The Civ. We have had someone coming into the server, hitting people while invisible, but our logs show NO hits whatsoever. This has been occurring much more the last few days, and we have been unable to catch whoever it may be. Is it possibly a scripter using a (usually) inanimate object to hit people, so it does not show up on logs? Please help, we are being attacked by these people and have no tools available to catch them Any suggestions would be highly appreciated :)
  10. DayZCiv

    New Script(hack) Being Used?

    Usually the "invisible zombies" still make zombie sounds..
  11. DayZCiv

    New Script(hack) Being Used?

    This is constantly occurring, I have had at least 10 reports in the last hour. Anyone?