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Everything posted by Antitorque

  1. Antitorque

    Cheeki Breeki

    I'll never understand why people say "cheeki breeki", they are misunderstanding the words. It's cheeki picki, and it is Ukranian slang for "it's all good". Pet peeve lol, drives me nuts.
  2. Antitorque

    Sniper's weapon of choice

    I guess I'll just throw this out here, I actually love the Longhorn pistol, no probs out to 300 meters or more depending, and being able to store it in a bag or clothing item, it doesn't scream "I'm sniping people!" But as far as effectiveness, I'd say the model 70 with a hunting scope.
  3. Hey guys, it may be simply because these items do not spawn in .57 often, but I have been playing this build quite a bit the last few weeks, and am having trouble locating either of these 2 ammunition types. I have found hundreds of not thousands of most of the other caliber ammunition, but probably only about 30 shotgun shells, and maybe 50 rounds of .45, all in magazines, never in a box or loose. Is this a known issue? Perhaps intended? Or am I not surfing the right parts of the map? I would like to see shotgun ammo more common, the double barrel is a great weapon for a loner who avoids confrontation usually, but I always leave the scatterguns because I can never seem to feed them. Thanks in advance
  4. I have long contemplated keeping a note in my backpack for anyone who might KOS me. As to the contents of said note, I am not sure what little nugget of insight I might pass to them.
  5. Antitorque

    smersh backpack

    I find smersh vest and backpacks, usually at the same time, at the gatehouses, alarming consistency.
  6. Antitorque

    Where to find: Shotgun shells and .45ACP

    Thanks for the replies guys, the guardhouses this build seem to be the most reliable spawn for well..most everything lol. I will check the cars, junkyards, and outbuildings and see what sort of luck I have, and report back any other notable findings.
  7. Antitorque

    Where are the animals?

    I saw one server with a herd of cows in a field, other than that, just the odd chicken. I think the spawn rate has been decreased in .57, maybe next update they well become a viable way to survive.
  8. Antitorque

    Should guns spawn loaded?

    I absolutely agree, an interesting side effect could be that players get out of their usual ruts and actually explore a bit more of the map, even with the new towns, player locations are still quite predictable.
  9. Antitorque

    Should guns spawn loaded?

    I think that all guns which require a magazine should spawn with a magazine inserted. Ammunition in that magazine, in my opinion, is not necessary, although a random chance to have some amount of ammo could be nice. I think that this game should focus more on being realistic in this sense, you are not going to find a random weapon magazine in a random house with no gun nearby, it defies logic and brings the immersion down for me. I don't understand people who want less firearms in the game at all, if anything, I think this would actually increase KOS mentality, as an unarmed player has almost no real defense against a competent player with a firearm, and when guns are scarce, you can bet every bandit will make sure he finds one to ruin your day. My point overall I would say, make guns more acessible by making them spawn with one magazine(multiples could be more rare, and thus the tactical advantage of having quick reloads would have to be earned). Make civilian weapons esp. Shotguns and hunting rifles the staple for a survival minded player, but keep military grade fully automatic weapons relatively rare. The most glaring fault I see at the moment is the cr527, that gun in real life is pretty expensive(CZ527), as are the mags (about 40-50 dollars each). The chances of a CR being separated from it's magazine would be pretty rare. Sorry if any of this is a bit off grammar or structure wise, I wrote it on my phone and it's a bit more difficult to proofread on this small screen.