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Everything posted by SigZag

  1. SigZag

    Q&A with Map Designer Adam Franců

    Are there any plans for officially releasing new maps for DayZ? Or will any new map addition have to be implemented by the modding community?
  2. There are many actions in dayz that are completed instantly, or in hardly no time at all. I would like to draw attention to having people setup a temporary "camp" or area in order to complete actions and reduce the amount of time needed. I know this might sound unclear, so i will start by making a short list of actions and pretend to give them an amount of time required to complete the actions Eating: ~60 sec Drinking: ~20 sec Sawing a gun in half: ~60 sec Reloading a magazine: ~20 sec Tearing clothe into rags: ~10 sec Adding/removing gun attachements: ~40 sec Taking off/putting on clothe: ~2-5 sec (per clothe item) Opening a can with can opener: ~15 sec Setting up a "temporary camp" would speed up all these processes by X% of time (lets say if u are by a camp, any of these actions will allow you to complete it 20% faster for example) Temporary camps could include just being in the proximity of a fire pit, a tent or a house with a fireplace in it. Once in this proximity, if the player sits down, all his actions will then be completed much faster. It will give reason to go somewhere so everyone can do the things they need to do, for example, you just found a hunting scope and you are getting hungry, your friends clothe are wet and he wants to change into something dry, he also wants to saw his shotgun in half and top off his magazines. The idea here is to make all these little things into an event, where players need to organize and say "alright, lets get to Altar hill and we'll sort out what needs to be done, have a sit and get our stuff together before we head back out". I think adding such a feature will increase the survival aspect of the game, and who knows, maybe strangers will bond over a fire while they cover eachothers backs.
  3. SigZag


    Lol not a bad idea tbh...