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Everything posted by Silverwind

  1. Silverwind

    Trading Post

    I am after a Winchester. Let me now what you need in return via PM, as I have spent too many hours looking for one.
  2. Silverwind

    Where are the animals?

    I can see that now. lol
  3. Silverwind

    Where are the animals?

    Lol. Sorry, I forgot in forums the term kid is over analyzed
  4. Silverwind

    Where are the animals?

    Damn I laughed my ass off at this post this morning. Just thinking of a kid eating lard and crashing a server and the look on his face staring at the desktop in disbelief.
  5. Silverwind

    TIL that DayZ runs much smoother on Windows 10.

    Exactly. Don't get me wrong, I want to believe there is a new Windows that doesn't suck after 7, but I am inclined to believe all those tweaks and the longevity of the last OS was the culprit.
  6. Silverwind

    16 hours in, met my first player!

    I was camping the heli spawn south of the Military Base outside SH last night, waiting for server hoppers who appear five feet from the heli then log after their quick loot check. I left regular folks who drove or walked in alone. Two guys came up and I told them I was up there, and would watch their backs. They got spooked, but eventually came back, chatted, and even offered supplies. This game can never be pegged into "this zone will always get you killed" and "this zone is safe" a majority of the time. That is exactly what makes it exciting. You just never truly know.
  7. Silverwind

    smersh backpack

    I have always found them by going from guard house to guard house. They spawn there regularly.
  8. Silverwind

    Where are the animals?

    I have seen one deer and one chicken in weeks. They are very rare indeed. But there are a few out there.
  9. Silverwind

    Where to find: Shotgun shells and .45ACP

    I always unload the .45 shells from mags found at guard houses. Shotgun shells I find in junk yards and the out buildings from houses, like sheds or storage unit types.
  10. Silverwind

    Most frustrating way you have died?

    Spending days gearing up, finally getting everything, avoiding survivors like the plague, logging into a server of someones that wasn't private and getting booted while driving a truck for no apparent reason. Reset my player. I felt sick for a few minutes as I stared at my 4 squares of inventory upon respawn.
  11. Silverwind

    Where do I find those stuff? (.57 stable)

    Have not seen a map that has the crash locations for Humvee's yet, but SVD mags that I have found so far have been at Military Bases and Guard Houses. The actual ammo, unless emptying a mag to retrieve, has been in residential houses and once at the Military Base. That ammo hasn't been easy to find for me at all, so I just find mags and empty them when I can.
  12. Wow, actual roleplay. Cheers to you for that, as that will be a challenge. I am in agreement with the statement about a different icon. Right now, any server with a population about 5 has me hiding and searching so quickly that I might not ever take the time to inspect a single piece of paper, only to realize it is blank. If you are dead set on doing it, you have to rethink the approach I would imagine. If someone is getting to the central location where the note is, they will almost certainly have a weapon out in the town BEFORE ever reading it. Besides, why the note? Why not just slap a hat on, with a blue law enforcement style vest and police the town? Give the rules verbally. Either way, I applaud the effort of trying anything new, takes some balls.
  13. Silverwind

    About PC

    Trust me, I get it. I am the go to person at my office and the only IT person in my company of 100+ people. Given my title as training director, it is not supposed to be my job. So I am just happy when they back their shit up to a memory stick before crashing their laptop once every few months.
  14. Silverwind

    Just a question?

    I am going with the douchebag aspect.
  15. Silverwind

    About PC

    Really any GPU from the last two years with decent reviews, same with GPU. Pricing from 150-250 each. Granted, you can blow some money on them, but considering I have a computer build from 2012 with higher end gear from the time, you should be ok as the game runs fine on my rig. The guy above makes a valid point when discussing the motherboard aspect. Without a good motherboard bought specifically to work with what you purchase, you constrict the hardware you put in place. As for doing your own work, I still suggest you get some friendly advice from around the forums, then do a little research in the review section of tiger direct or newegg on each purchase. Learn from the trials of others and you will save yourself some headaches.
  16. Silverwind

    About PC

    See? You will get loads of advice soon enough. Hang in there.
  17. Silverwind

    About PC

    Not impressive. But I know how it is working on a budget. I always look for deals of people getting out of gaming or needing quick money on places like ebay or other sites. I would rather piece one together cheaply than pay high prices. Not to mention, laptops are not my thing. Besides, that GPU is not the best, No OS is included, and a SSD seems like something you would want to add given the reviews.
  18. Silverwind

    About PC

    Was going off of my memory, I will post from home in a few hours with the exact specs. I am sure you will get a lot of suggestions to come.
  19. Silverwind

    About PC

    I use an 8-core AMD CPU, 32GB of Dual Channel RAM, AMD HD7970x2, HD TV 1080P display, and a 1+TB HDD. Game runs just fine maxed out. I am guessing this rig considering its age would fall in your price range now, save the display.
  20. Silverwind

    Where do I find those stuff? (.57 stable)

    Hunting Scope is easily found in schools as well as the hunting stands. SVD is exceptionally rare, and found at Russian Heli crash sites. The ghillie covering on the SVD shown in your picture is crafted, and cannot be found except on bodies of survivors. Those crash sites, 3 as of 0.57 stable, are best found using an online map to help locate them. Guard houses are located in almost every populated area, and have a variety of military gear. Some larger towns have several. There are several videos of survivors posting "how-to" guides and such which are worth the time if you are still needing guidance. But know this, bandits frequent the hottest loot spots regularly. I would suggest sticking with easy to find weaponry located in houses and jails until you get the hang of it before trying for the others. Either way, good luck out there.