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Everything posted by dethorhyne

  1. dethorhyne

    Stable Branch 0.61.137076

    I hope the infected nerfing will also influence their chance to make someone bleed.. Because I'm already at the edge of my seat being angry and pissed off that, I am not kidding here, 95% of time times I get hit once (mostly when zombie isn't even facing me or is still far away) I start bleeding, my shit gets ruined or even worse, I end up with a chipped leg. Like, they're angry people, I've never seen some whack job claw his way through someone's 3 layers of clothing to make him bleed.. it's stupid that we wear jackets vests shirts and what not and get tapped once and it's time for us to replace our tampons. I'm this close to filling in a request to rename rags to maxi pads right now. Of course, I'm not trying to shitpost here, just express something that I consider an unbalanced issue in a more humorous way.
  2. dethorhyne

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Not really related to your day, but I can't help to notice a similarity here.. was this you few days ago? (the police officer)
  3. Hello everyone! After a lot of hard work I'm proud to present the DayZ Config Tweak Tool. It's a small and simple tool programmed in C# WPF technology. It's a tool aimed at every DayZ player to enhance his/her's experience with configuration tweaking allowing the user to change settings in a more friendly environment compared to standard text editing in the configuration files. Some of the features featured here can be changed in-game and are identical, however some have advanced values that are not in-game and can only be tweaked manually or via DayZ Tweak Tool I'm presenting you. Application Looks featuring multiple color themes available: ​ Download link to the latest 1.6.0 version of the Tool:http://dctt.shardtools.com/ Documentation: This is important guys. It has everything you need to know about the application, what you need to run it in the first place, how to use it and what it even does. Read at least the table of content to see what's in here.http://1drv.ms/1LOezxN Here's the actual list of what the config contains that can be edited compared to it's in-game equivalent; if any. Most noticable difference is way more detailed object quality setting and view distance which will help A LOT to people trying to squeze out few more frames out of the game Let me know if you need anything else and feel free to drop questions. Make sure to report any issues you encounter. A log will be created that you will be able to mail to me. My E-mail is mentioned both in documentation and error message.Cheers! Here are the poll results:Out of 39 votes:31 say that It's great and they're sure it'll come in handy. 4 say It's good for what it'll do. 4 say they won't even bother with the tool since they can google and would prefer to do everything manually. Received feedback:>Wow good work dude!>Great Job on this tool, this should help out a lot of people who have a hard time on their performance.>I really enjoy this! Helped me with my frames. 10/10 Helpful.>Nice work there bud. Lots of easy to get tweaks and a clean interface. Thumbs up.>Great work right here! It could be good for those who do not know how to edit the config files.>Ohh my god.... This thing... Skips 25mins of manual work.... #loveit> Awesome! Glad to hear this, I love the tool a lot man, some great work! Looking forward to the future version! F.A.Q based on questions asked in the thread: Is this a virus?No. It is not. Other than that, does it offer any options that are not in the in game settings?Yes, it does. Could this be mistaken by BattlEye as some kind of "hack"?No. This tool does not link to the DayZ.exe in any way. It simply loads/saves configuration files which is a perfectly legitimate way to try to gain some framerate in-game. It simply gives the user a better visual environment then reading through a .cfg file. Is this confirmed to be safe?Yes. You will not be banned nor will you lose your configuration file. It works in a safe manner. It also doesn't matter if you leave the application running in the background because as answer above says, it doesn't do anything to the executable, however settings cannot be changed once the game's running.
  4. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Hey everyone, First of all, I wish you had a lovely holidays and I wish you all a happy new years filled with joy and happiness and good dayz loot! :) I'm here to bring another update regarding the new version. The new version has an installer. You'll be able to download just that and then install the app, it will create a shortcut and set the files needed for the application to function properly. The new version will also have an updater. With the updater only files that need to be updated will be updated. Actual application is still not complete. But when it will be complete, there will be some nice animations for settings and I'm thinking of two different looking main app screens. But I won't say much about that yet :) I'm currently working on the updater to function properly that's why the main app is still not complete. Hopefully by the end of this month DCTT will be complete and as always, I'll update everything on the first post and let you all know.. I think that's about it for now. Here are some screen shots of the work in progress :) For the end; I'd like to post some statistics as well. So far, from statistics gathered from those who decided to provide data of the application usage, there's over 450 unique users, and over 1300 individual saves. It's not much, but it makes me happy that at least those over 450 put their trust in me and this tool I've developed to make their (DayZ) life a bit easier. Thank you all for your support! :)
  5. Vehicles and weather.. I'm more of an environmental kidn of guy.
  6. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Hey everyone, I'm not bringing an update today with me regarding the app, I'm just posting a personal update do you all don't think I forgot about DCTT or anything like that. I'm currently working on some new features and I don't really have an estimated time when will everything be ready because there's a lot of work to do and code to rewrite as I'm taking on a new approach at things to optimize everything. Here's a rough list of things to expect when everything is ready. - Cloud based saving (most likely through easy account creation) - Pastebox for settings (let's say you're following an online tutorial and you just copy paste configs instead of moving them around manually) - Optimized UI (Better performance on weaker systems, custom improved controls, animations) That's all for now, thank you for tuning in and I'm hoping you're looking forward to these changes :) Cheers!
  7. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    It makes me really happy that you've managed to get the most out of your game with fruits of my labor. This indeed is the sole purpose why I made it for everyone! I'm sure you too can even tweak some things that will make your own game run even better. I always preferred stable framerate over visual fidelity, I hope you'll too make some compromises! Anyway, a big thanks to both your friend and you for the trust in me and my work and an even bigger thank you to you for sharing your positive feedback! :) Hahaha, that's a bummer, but I feel you. I've played on GT240 which is even in a deeper layer of hell for PC gaming. If nothing else, this fact alone was enough to motivate me deeply to pursue config tweaking of DayZ. RIP to those old piles of now obsolete cards who made our life nicer back in the day.
  8. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    For the time being, the configuration file being as it is, DCTT will work fine. Even if something eventually changes and the code breaks, the backup function is still here. As for keeping tabs on settings, I'm an active DayZ player, I always check stuff, so that's nothing to worry about. I'm not too good with github, I'm having trouble understanding how it works, all those special thingies like forks, commits and whatnot.. See, I am not a professional developer, nor am I an expert.. I've learned most of this code in the app as I wrote it, and it's far from practical and that's why I'm currently working on a 2nd version of the tool since I have acquired some knowledge. Rest assured, as dayz progresses so will the application, but for time being everything will stay as it is. Those who decide to do it this way, may, those who don't, it's okay.
  9. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    I'm okay with this being spread out, but I would prefer a link-to as a PM or E-mail so I could monitor the thread in other communities for monitoring purposes in case someone might have issues/requires information which others would have hard time providing. tl;dr version: It's all good, link is optional but preferred.
  10. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Yeah, I agree. No problem.. it was a pleasure. As I said before, this was to test my coding skills before anything else, a good outcome that's suitable for others too is just a bonus. I'll keep this tool up to date and make new versions, I'm working on a v2 that will have cloud based save and some other things, but that's a bit far from now since I've started working full time. If any changes occur, I will update the tool to fit the new settings as well. As far as other apps, I'm aware that there's a lot of people who don't have as honest intentions as I do, but I guess that's just the world we live in. I'll probably make an installer or something because yeah, I've noticed to some people have issues with downloading direct executable files from the direct link.. but I'll have to figure out first how to do that. Until then, I'll see how to make this as smooth and transparent as possible, with every detail being opaque as it was so far.. if that made any sense...
  11. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Hello again! Thanks to a contribution from a community member Steven R. I've added an option to see and copy/paste last server's IP address and name for easier management if something in-game goes wrong. You may download the newest version through the application or here via direct link: DayZ Config Tweak tool v1.6.0.exe And to all those who decide to report my thread, I would like to add something. There's nothing about this tool that's ill mannered.. I've had my thread taken down twice just because someone decided to report this thread even though he had no justification to do so as everything is clean. So please think twice before reporting the thread or at least contact me first!
  12. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Hey everyone! It's been quite some time but I finally have news, and they're good one. I've got my hands on a proper domain, and I've merged everything from the old to the new one + I'm here to deliver a new version of the application that will be synced with the new version. Next version will probably be a full revamp of the tool using some (to me) new technologies in C#. :) Cheers guys, you can download the new version through the application or here: Version 1.5.0 Download
  13. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    hahahaha, these were some pretty nasty but nice comparisons! Luckily for everyone, that's not the case. Of course, believed it or not, I legitimately don't even know how to create a trojan or a keylogger. I'd love showcasing the code as well, but I kind of fear of others might wanting to steal it and actually use it to cover up an actual virus that would have my name on it which is the last thing I want to happen. Regardless, thank you for the trust and I hope you'll enjoy what this simple tool offers. :) P.S. I actually tried few days ago to make myself an application that will run in fullscreen, disable all functions like ctrl alt delete and everything else only showing a PIN textbox (basically another lock screen) in the middle so my roommate can't use my PC because he annoyed me but constantly plays games on my PC, messing up my desk with ash and beer and leaving my new lovely deathadder greasy and whatnot with food because his laptop is crap.. in the end failed miserably because I didn't know how to get things to work. Of course, you'd think "why wouldn't you just change password and PIN?" Well I could, but my MS account is linked to my phone and I don't want to re-login everywhere again :D Now as a long story short.. the dayz config tweak tool isn't really just for others, it's for me as well.. I challenge myself to create things simply to get better at coding, I didn't know most of things what are in this tool's code before I started working on it, but luckily everything worked out alright and I've learned a lot about C# and WPF and the best part, final result of this learning is something that will benefit everyone here, which is why I focus on it so hard to make it suitable for everyone.
  14. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Well yeah, I understand people being a bit cautious and scared of getting banned or this app itself being some kind of a virus but I as I implied many times over, I'm doing this for the dayz community, the good of it. Nothing else. Thank you for your continous positive feedback. It means a lot to me :) Hahaha, well said. But you know, some are more paranoid than other. I was scared of the rollercoaster too at one point, but once I've tried it I loved it. Then on the other hand my mom is afraid of putting a gas tank in her car even though it's 3x cheaper than gasoline because it could blow up even if chances of it blowing up are lower than gasoline tank exploding.. but oh well. we all have our issues we deal with :) Thank you for the positive feedback though, I'm glad you liked this.
  15. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Of course. And yeah, as I said.. this is basically like a prettier version of a notepad specially designed for DayZ so everything should be okay no matter what you do. And here I come with an update.1.4.0 is out and there are some new features.>Themes have been tweaked a bit>Backend code was optimized for the app to work better and fit new features.>Ability to decide whether you want to help out by providing your playername or not (for statistical and future improvization purposes)>Some other minor things. You can download it via the application, here on onedrive: http://1drv.ms/1USoFpgOr on the first post of this thread
  16. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    I am not forcing you, so no offence taken. And it's okay. I understand some people are scared of changes and sometimes just can't reason with logic. We've all had moments like this. If you ever decide to change your mind and try it out anyway since 150+ who did don't have any problems using dctt which is nothing more but a pretty notepad...which most of you used anyway to change the configuration values manually. Thanks for the feedback though :)
  17. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Yeah, it's not a virus. Check faq on first post. Currently it's automatic. But it's only the playerName value. I use it for two reasons: 1. Check how you saved so I could see if it would be worth it to create a "cloud based" backup as that will require me to learn how more things work to make it functional and there will be a need for online security check which I can't ignore. And 2: Check downloads through app so I could relay estimated traffic to my server administrator.I was planning to implement option to disable that data sending but I didn't have time before I had to leave for the train. It will be in next version that I will release when I get home (17th of September). Check documentation page 4 and 11. No. You can't get banned. I'll reiterate what says in this thread and maybe even in the documentation. This tool is not intended to run while the game is running.Chance of a getting ban from dctt is IDENTICAL to getting banned from having notepad opened. As it does exactly that, change text and saves the text file in .cfg and .DayZProfile format. It's up to you as the end user to decide. I haven't, as a developer of this tool recieved a single negative feedback so far (based on those who actually tried the tool!) and BI confirmed this to be safe (which is why this thread back after it was taken down by Boneboys for the time being of it being checked by bi staff.Hope that cleared your concerns. If you have any more questions feel free to ask here or even better on my mail (which you can find in documentation or in case app crashes, which it shouldn't at this point but it can happen.)
  18. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    I only saw this now; It's true that some apps might crash the game, such as ENB or something like that that actually HOOKS to the game itself. The point of this config tweaker is indeed to run it and set everything prior to running the actual game. And as I said, chaninging 90% of things here can be done in-game as well. As for other 10% a great deal of players already have that configured. They just did it manually.
  19. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Yeah I bet. Would be great to be one of those know-it-alls though.
  20. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Haha! You're welcome, but then again, should've expected that. If everyone knew everything then technically even a single developer would be enough, am I right?
  21. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    That's true as well, but dctt will only allow you to change view distance, shading and lower scene complexity below minimal value. other settings can be normally changed in game like they can here and there will be no difference whatsoever (that's how I tested min/max values in the first place) Scene complexity might be a small issue, but shading and view distance won't. Surely that tree down the field that you can/can't see won't break your game. Then again, having less memory consumed by the game due to lower scene complexity shouldn't either. I would like to ask you, however, if you could take a look at the image on the first post that says DayZ Configuration Dictionary to check if something is off. I'm sure you'll have a better clue at this as a developer than I that just trial and error-ed everything.
  22. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Yes, I'm fully aware of that. but I'm not EA, BI or Activision, not everything I do will be 60€ and be sold like it's free. I'm but a small individual trying to do something for others and on top of that I'm moving from town to town, changing universities, jobs and still among these things I've dedicated some available time to help others and seek acknowledgment from others . so it's not really "nothing" when someone says a negative thing. Then again to return to that original post. It wasn't even meant as an insult. If you have a friend that does something stupid you'll say he did something stupid. NOT that he's stupid, but that his action was. This was kind of a similar thing, if you understand what I'm trying to say. P.S. There's a slight chance that my English is off today. I'm tired and currently in the middle of cleaning so yeah, sorry about that.
  23. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    not really a translation issue, English is more native to me than Croatian. Let's just say that asking me something of that kind is asking a fat-ish lady how old the baby is. You just don't. :D I've only implied I know that I haven't put anything edgy in there. others checked the file. and of course, it wasn't detected as a virus. It's okay to wait, I didn't come here saying "you must use this now or burn forever in the depths of hell", I just delivered a tool for DayZ players to use. and as far as an "objective review" isn't it enough that BI staff checked the tool themselves? (Thread was hidden by boneboys after which he forwarded dctt to BI staff for them to check if everything is okay.) As you can see, thread is back, logic will do the rest.
  24. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    didn't know. Will fix. Thanks! This is actually the kind of feedback I need the most! :) edit: fixed. Preferred object view distance is mostly just a bit lower than view distance. inside the application pov is fixed to be 200m less then vd. It's pretty much the optimal distance.
  25. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Yeah, as you can see, pretty much everyone implies that dctt did good for them and that the thread should be pinned, that's kind of a 'green light' sign for me. But yes, it's not a virus and it's completely safe to use. I made a video overview and demonstration yesterday, check it out: