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Everything posted by dethorhyne

  1. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Perfectly reasonable, but taken into consideration many follow text-based tutorials to improve framerate, this is a much safer environment for such changes where values can not go beyond or over what's the game expecting and more importantly typos can not happen here. the system works even regardless of capitalization of each character, so that too will work same for everyone. Regardless crashing issues, nobody can guarantee there won't be a crash here and there, but it's not like the game when ran with vanilla settings will prevent 100% crashing. Terms of use do say that for that very purpose. It is up to the user to decide whether he wants to provide this information or not by using the tool or not. (Next iteration will probably have that as a setting. ideas come and go. ) It's anonymous yet helps me to see where I need to go with the tool because everything I do with the tool I do for users. I do appreciate the acknowledgment for my work and I'm looking forward to seeing many more DayZ players get their game run with more frames as we all know that optimization is an issue.
  2. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    me too, in fact. I keep waiting for someone from the staff to address this and maybe even correct me if some of my calculations were wrong. regardless, this isn't adding tps TO the game since it's not supposed to run along with the game.
  3. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    I'm pretty sure, but I'll get back to that in a sec. I'll go in-game and check.. I'm at stari sobor, it shouldn't take me more than 15 minutes to get to gm. Update: on this setting: viewDistance=900; GM antenna can be seen from 1250 meters. zooming in on it with scope will improve LoD on the building, but trees in between still won't be rendered. I can't guarantee players would be visible either, however if you had trees that render as far you wouldn't see them anyway. however for terrain landmarks, veresnik hill can be seen from 2-3 km if not even more if you can find a suitable place, because there won't be any trees in the distance that will obscure your vision. Now I'm not sure if this is same for daytime, because I've always had better framerate during the night for some reason. I'm 100% positive that castles can be seen from greater distance because on same view distance I could see Black mountain from outskirts of the airfield. I believe registry access works even without elevation, and most viruses do too.. if this tool can create and copy a .txt file, I'm pretty sure another worm virus could copy paste whatever else. but that's another story. I'm glad DCTT worked well for you :)
  4. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Towers (like on green mountain(, castles (any castle structure) and mountains (since it's terrain) can be seen regardless of view distance.
  5. dethorhyne

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    I wonder how nobody mentioned this already. One of the maps I played and loved the most in DayZ Mod was Thirsk for its simplicity. I'd love to see Winter Thirsk as a DayZ SA Map, maybe not in the original look but a bit upgraded so there'd be more places to check, but nevertheless, playing Thirsk once again would be my wish :) It's about 6x6km as far as I remember in original edition so it's really a huge map, but still it was fun to play on.
  6. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Thank you, your contribution is much appreciated. And don't worry, if he continues the argument I'll just ignore/report it. I understand people still have their concerns, but his approach is not something I want to tolerate. Hopefully the discussion is over.
  7. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Priority: >Set texture memory to Auto. This is always for the best even though you know how much GPU RAM you have. >Texture detail can be high or even extra high since you have 8 gigs of ram and run the game from ssd. Suggestions: >Since you use AA, you can set AToC to max. it won't do any damage but you'll get a better view through foliage. >You can set terrain to lowest value, it will give some improvement and won't make changes to game. (it might remove all grass, but ONLY in main menu, in-game it'll all be good.) >Toning down scene complexity (Object quality) will give you quite a boost in towns. Try setting this to value between 150,000 and 200,000 (Slider tooltip will tell you the value when you're holding it down. Optional: >Many users actually say it's easier to play with shadows off. Try disabling shadow quality and shadow distance to minimal values and report back. >There's rarely a place you'll see someone at 2km away out of the blue. Lower this to 1,5km or even 1,2. When you zoom in with right mouse button or look through scope this will automatically be extended, so basically lower view distance only implies on the distance you can see when not using scopes or zooming in. here for comparison: Specs: 6GB of DDR2 ram x4 3.2GHz AMD normal hdd GTX 960 1440x900 resolution. I'm getting pretty good results with this.. even tho it's still far from optimal especially in bigger cities.
  8. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    I know how to take concerns buddy, that's why I already posted a virus scan (what else is there to do here if people don't believe what they use) and more importantly, at no point in this thread was I ever rude or insulting. Only thing I did was defend myself and my work. I have a sharp way of talking, that's not being rude, that's just not sweet-talking and being direct. Your posting history is none of my concerns as I wasn't a part of those disputes. They have got nothing to do with me and regardless of your posts being positive or negative, I will look at you based on how you treat me and my work. You know that saying "A person who treats you nicely, but acts like a douche-bag to the waiter is not a nice person." thus implying I should respect you based on how you address others instead of how you address me doesn't really make a lot of sense. And lets break something down. Most likely 70% of DayZ community is content with how the game runs thus don't even look for something like this. I know a lot of people like this that in fact insist on not changing any settings to make their game run better (does not imply me forcing my app on them as such occurrences were before it was made) 15% have probably never opened this forum. 13% deal with this in another way as they've most likely never saw this thread or ever heard of the tool. 1.95% might have actually stumbled upon this but don't bother commenting. 0.05% have actually commented. So yes, 2 pages in 3 days is something I'm proud off. And let me reiterate myself, I hardly believe anyone would do what I did while presenting DCTT. Using real name, real E-mail, writing a big documentation, continuously supporting the tool and most importantly post it on official forum just to drop a virus or whatever. In fact, I don't even know how to make one. I've learnt 80% of methods used in creating this tool on the go. I never implied I was better than you by being able to make a program. Anyone could sit behind Visual, MSDN and stackoverflow and learn how to make something in a matter of minutes, I only implied that if you don't want to use it, don't. As far as DayZRP goes that's not even remotely relevant to this. Only mentions of DayZRP is where I stated I released it there so guys could help me out before I pushed it out in public. And it's just a community I'm part of, I am not, I quote, a dedicated player from DayZRP, as you've implied. Summary: If this tool is malicious, someone would've already notice that by now and I would've been probably banned already. If you have ANY reason what so ever not to use the tool, NOBODY, especially not me, is forcing you to. It's like a glass of free lemonade from a lemonade stand on the street, if you want to drink, go ahead, if you don't, just walk away. Speaking of walking away; if you don't have anything actually constructive or helpful to say in this little conversation we're having, you're free to do so just so you could show some consideration for me and my work. On the other hand, if you actually have something nice to say or propose, I will with dedication read through that and see how it can be implemented to make a positive changes in DayZ to all players. Of course, I believe on first page somewhere lower I did in fact post a virustotal scan. It's a bit safer because it remotely tests the exe on 55 or 56 (not sure) different anti virus scanners. As expect, all turned out to be negative. Speaking of fps increase, biggest reasons for fps drops are view distance and scene complexity. Before on my GT240 I could even ram up clouds, post fx and shadows to max and still have similar fps as before, simply because most of the scenery itself and bad object culling is what's causing the drops (culling is basically removing the object from the scene in case there's something obstructing it's visibility, e.g. looking at a wall in cherno will still give bad framerate even though the only thing you see is the wall itself, however the game at current state still renders all objects behind the wall thus even though you can't see them, they're eating away your resources). Try addressing those issues. Of course, a screenshot of your current settings would be a great way for me to see what can I suggest you to do. Addendum: I hope you're running dayz on your SSD.. your CPU might be a bit of a bottleneck as well. memory and GPU is okay for gaming and you shouldn't have problems with that.. if nothing else,turning down render quality to 83% in-game might give you an improvement (as it did to me) but then again I'm sure you're reluctant to doing that as scene itself may look a bit uglier then, but I've found that 83% is the best quality/performance wise.
  9. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    I don't need to doubt my work because I know what I wrote in that application. I don't need any personal gain from you nor do I want something your's. I work hard for my accomplishments. And seriously, after 2 pages of mostly positive feedback you adress this from the first posts of the thread? I'm sure you have a lovely plunger by your toilet judging from what you like to do. Maybe you should be the one getting your head out of the sand and go home. I'll make it clear once and for all for you, I'm a nice and honest person who's looking to help the DayZ community, but I won't sit idle and let the likes of you shit on my hard work. If you don't plan to use the application because of your paranoia or whatever, no one is forcing you too, but then don't talk against it either. You're free to make your own application, but you most likely don't even know how. P.S. I'd even showcase my code for you to see, however that might be misused for what you're worrying over in the first place. P.S.S. Currenty there's 100+ users who used this application at least once (only in past 3 days from the update where I stated I do collect some data for statistical purposes and bugfixing for official website release). If there were something malicious, I believe one of them would've already made a complaint.
  10. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    how could I get the mods to do that?
  11. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Version 1.3.0 is now out. First posts were edited. You may also download this version via application itself. just go to settings and press "Download new version." Version 1.3.0 features: >Custom made dialog controllers >Improved user experience with certain warnings >About page >Download improvements >Saving improvements >Statistics improvements >Code optimization >Some other minor tweaks Overall, this is a good update and will fix some issues I've noticed some have. Download: http://1drv.ms/1Kx9rkG
  12. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Version 1.2.0 Is available to download here: http://1drv.ms/1JTVevH or on first post of this thread. The application should now work for you properly.
  13. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Through some advanced debugging methods (trying a shit-ton of combination to see if I'll hopefully get the sam error) I concluded that you get this error because you most likely do not have some of the settings in your cfg folder at all or some letters are not properly capitalized. Fixing this might take a few hours of trial and error. I'll notify you once a new stable version is out.
  14. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Yeah. mostly due to some tweaks that aren't in-game.. decreasing shading to lower values and scene complexity (200,000 is game' s "very low") to 50k or even lower will indeed make the game look a bit ugly, but I'd rather play an ugly game on 60 fps than a pretty one on 5. I played the game on GT240 until 2 weeks ago, and that says something.
  15. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    That's the goal. Making things simple and user friendly. It won't do wonders, but in a nimble hands it gets the job done.. and once new tweak guides come up what do you think what will be easier to read, a custom cfg that you'll manually insert in 2 files, or a screenshot that you'll have to replicate? :)
  16. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Thank you!
  17. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    20 yo, finished 1 year of Computer engineering, now switching to IT Technologies. I have experience with databases and programming in multiple languages through self-studying and work experience. Will get employed as a server database technitian at Erste bank. I don't do drugs, nor do I commend them. They're bad for both physical and mental health. How? huh? P.S. There's a "MultiQuote" for a reason there mate.
  18. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    here :P
  19. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    I'm going easy and I'm calm, I just countered your question with one of my own. It's true that there's a lot of such application, I can not say there aren't which clearly justifies your precatioun, but do you seriously believe someone would go through 27 pages of complex documentation and over 2k lines code just to pull of some virus scam; I highly doubt that. Besides, I wouldn't pull out my dayzrp reputation along with my dayz forums one. As it says in documentation as well, only thing that the application uses internet for is sending Player name for statistics once I make a website. Apart from that only version check and new version download require internet connection, which is kind of obvious. I haven't included a virus scan, but here it is: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/f04ecb491ed63032685bc21f688b83326277604eb6bd00f7677fd8d1802180c7/analysis/1441305127/ Regardless, my goal is to help people to get better dayz experience.. until 2 weeks ago I played DayZ on GT240 graphics card, it ran horribly and a lot of people are unable to fix stuff manually. here's my video from few weeks ago before I made the application regarding fps boost:
  20. dethorhyne

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Just because I'm not active on the forums does not mean I'm not a part of the community.. I'm more active on DayZRP and I play the game almost daily; eventually posting feedback. And as far as my logic goes, it does make sense to release a DAYZ related tool on a DAYZ related forum. Thus I ask; why is your mind being so little to indicate that post count here matters when what I'm presenting you will benefit everyone, including yourself?