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OldManRiver (DayZ)

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Everything posted by OldManRiver (DayZ)

  1. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    Big Trouble in Zelenogorsk

    This is recent gameplay of some fun PVP in Zelenogorsk. Hope you enjoy the video!
  2. This footage is from this spring, but was too entertaining to delete. I met some guys in game and attempted to help them get revenge. We ended up reforming the Chernarus Fire Department instead. Hope you enjoy! [ media] [ /media]
  3. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    Natural Born Psychos

    My buddies and I spent a very enjoyable evening on a DayZ killing spree. Hope you have as much fun watching as we did playing!
  4. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    Natural Born Psychos

    Should have stuck with the Red 9 or shot him in the foot! lol Thanks for watching, man.
  5. I made a movie trailer parody of all those 80's and 90's action movies. Hope you enjoy!
  6. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    Leaving behind canteens filled with gas

    That's rough man.
  7. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    Leaving behind canteens filled with gas

    I have never done it myself - for exactly that reason.
  8. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    Leaving behind canteens filled with gas

    Sneaky bastard. :P
  9. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    question about cooking

    Thanks for clearing that up. Nearly died from eating cooked meat, so I haven't chanced it in a couple of weeks.
  10. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    question about cooking

    Meat is bugged right now. You have to watch for the color change to determine if it is done. It doesn't matter though, because cooked meat will make you sick.
  11. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    Leaving behind canteens filled with gas

    Canteens also don't spawn filled. I never drink a full canteen that is just laying around. I have a buddy that carries a canteen and a water bottle. One is full of gas, the other is full of water. He figures if the guy to kills him drinks the wrong one and dies, then he has avenged himself.
  12. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    I Wasn't Raised Right and Got an SVD - Issue 3

    The third issue of my comic series. Issue Number 3 begins with me trapped like a rat in a cage. Will I escape with my SVD, my life, or neither?
  13. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    Rocket's contribution

    Unfortunately, I think those people thought they were getting into a post-apocalyptic combat simulator because it was originally an Arma mod. They jumped in without really caring about what the game will become - as envisioned by Dean Hall and the current devs.
  14. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    Killed 2 guys in Vybor Military Base

    Showcasing you and your friend utilizing exploits to kill a couple of players isn't cool.
  15. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    I Wasn't Raised Right and Got an SVD - Issue 2

    Doing my best to misbehave as long as the SVD is mine. Issue Number 2 begins after my crisis of conscience has passed. Hope you enjoy!
  16. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    I Wasn't Raised Right and Got an SVD - Issue 2

    Thank you for taking the time to watch and comment. I appreciate any feedback and I wasn't sure how the comic style would be received, at first.
  17. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    I Wasn't Raised Right and Got an SVD - Issue 2

    Sorry man. Gameplay was from 0.57
  18. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    I Wasn't Raised Right and Got an SVD - Issue 2

    Thanks for taking the time to watch and like. :D I am super happy to hear that you enjoyed this comic style. We have been trying some new things since last week and they seem to be well received. The song you are asking about is "Dark Inside" by Al Duvall. Any ads that are placed on the video will benefit this artist, so if you enjoy the music be sure to support him my clicking on the ad.
  19. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    I Wasn't Raised Right and Got an SVD

    Doing my best to misbehave as long as the SVD is mine. Issue Number 1 ends with me undergoing a crisis of conscience.
  20. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    I Wasn't Raised Right and Got an SVD

    Thank you! We wanted to try something different and this is what we ended up with. B)
  21. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    I Wasn't Raised Right and Got an SVD

    Thanks we were getting some mixed feedback on reddit, happy to hear this.
  22. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    Spawn location suggestion...

    Part of the excitement of the game is gearing up and facing the consequences of permadeath. In DayZ, you actually have something to lose and that makes any player interaction that much more intense. I enjoy playing 7 Days to Die, where you can lay down a sleeping bag that becomes your spawn point. But I love DayZ. It is a game that has sucked me in and I just keep coming back. I think the ability to chose a spawn point would take away the part of the game that makes it so exciting.
  23. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    I Wasn't Raised Right and Got an SVD

    Thanks! I appreciate it.
  24. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    I Wasn't Raised Right and Got an SVD

    Thanks! So happy you enjoyed it. There will be 2 future videos to finish out the story line.
  25. OldManRiver (DayZ)

    "Chased" DayZ Standalone Editors Cut #2

    I just saw this on reddit and thought you might be able to use the info.