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Everything posted by ChrisSurvSand

  1. ChrisSurvSand

    DayZ Nostalgia - DayZ like it was back in the days

    Newest update , just released! DayZ Nostalgia v1.5 Voted Settings-change: Zombies wont hit the player or the vehicle at all anymore when you are inside a vehicle. Can Unknown-Item was removed from the loot-table Reworked the Outside-map-despawn script (should be more reliable now). Download the mod via our launcher or directly via modfiles! Join our Steam-communitygroup to stay in touch!
  2. ChrisSurvSand

    DayZ Nostalgia - DayZ like it was back in the days

    We are peaking in player numbers - 20+ players online at the moment! Come join the fun!
  3. ChrisSurvSand

    DayZ Nostalgia - DayZ like it was back in the days

    Newest update for the mod was released a few minutes ago: DayZ Nostalgia v1.4 Removed Humanity-Regen due popular demand Removed L85 Holo from the game (as it replaced L85 AWS in the later versions) and replaced existing ones with M4A1 Holo Spawning-Position of the Huey-Helicopter on Skalisty Island should be correct now New vehicle script in place: Unused boats and bicycles will despawn after 2 days. All other unused vehicles will despawn after 7 days. Download the mod via our launcher or directly via modfiles! We also reached two peaks - we got 18 players at the same time playing yesterday and also reached 100+ members on the DayZ Nostalgia Steam group!
  4. ChrisSurvSand

    DayZ Nostalgia - DayZ like it was back in the days

    New small update for the mod: DayZ Nostalgia v1.3 Humanity-Regeneration-System nerfed - it now regens 5 Humanity every 5 Minutes instead of 150 Humanity every 5 Minutes, allowing bandits to keep their status. Download the mod via our launcher or directly via modfiles!
  5. ChrisSurvSand

    DayZ Nostalgia - DayZ like it was back in the days

    Small update for our mod: DayZ Nostalgia v1.2 Fix for a bug related to the missionfile possible fix for the “DMR-problem” (weapon sometimes has zeroing whyever) Fix of an script-error You can get the update via our Launcher or directly as modfiles. Also: Adjusted restart- & nighttimes As we have some US-citizens playing on our server who really like it, they asked us if its possible to get a few more hours of daylight to play with. This should suit players from other timezones as well as players from the EU that play on later hours. We will change the night to start 2 hours later and also change the server-restarttimes to 00:00, 04:00, 08:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00 (UTC). Come and play guys! :)
  6. ChrisSurvSand

    DayZ Nostalgia - DayZ like it was back in the days

    The server is now online! The public release was yesterday night and we already get decent player numbers of up to 15 players at the same time. You can find out how to play with our mod on our server here: How to play DayZ Nostalgia
  7. ChrisSurvSand

    DayZ Nostalgia - DayZ like it was back in the days

    There are news on this topic guys! They brought up a website, which you can find here: DayZ-Nostalgia.de (dual language - GER & ENG) Planned start of the server is May 2016! Hype! :)