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Everything posted by MadMcardle

  1. MadMcardle

    What are the chances?

    To make it stranger he did what I did, got the hell out of the home town and moved to Scotland lol.
  2. MadMcardle

    Where do you find backpacks?

    Be different, kill 2 rabbits, get a barrel, leather sowing kit, green lime, nails - make a 24 slot black leather backpack, it's tots amazeballs! :P
  3. MadMcardle

    Prisons, fishing and the future

    Loot was removed from the camo buildings/jail due to wall hacks I believe. The prison was bugged too with way too much loot so i am guessing they removed that too for now.
  4. Private servers are better in my opinion man, if you fancy it check mine out :)
  5. MadMcardle

    M4/AK101 at Heli Spawns: Can Anyone Confirm?

    I can confirm that his confirmation is correct :P
  6. Time acceleration is now set to X3 so that there is a more varied day/night cycle to hopefully make it more popular with people on a different timezone. I am generally playing 60+ hours a week, so I would say I am an active admin, and you can ask anyone that plays on it, I do not kick people for being killed or rubbish like that, in fact I don't think I have kicked anyone except people with blank names, that really grinds my gears! :P Check it out guys, all welcome!
  7. MadMcardle

    Glow Plug?

    I generally look north east, there are a couple of sheds that spawn the battery, plug and tire kit at the same time :)
  8. Hey guys, I just wondered if anyone else plays the way I do? I have a set of "rules" kinda that I like to play by, I know most people I have played with think it is...not good, but I don't care, it makes it more fun in my opinion! 1. I do not use teamspeak/steam chat - I prefer in-game chat, and using the radio, yes there is a good chance people will hear me BUT isn't that kind of the point? Maybe some nice interaction or some PvP? Otherwise you could be going past a few people regardless right? 2. I don't generally arrange meetups - I like to just log in, set myself a goal and see who I meet, that way when you bump in to someone you have no idea what is going to happen! 3. No cans or water bottles - This is my latest trend I guess lol, I died tonight though, sure is tough living off the land completely I think. The only way I can have something to carry water is if I make it with pelt, which I am yet to do :P 4. I actually like nighttime! Yes it's dark, but then I use flares etc, which gets me in tricky situations at times but I love it! I'd love to know if there are any other players out there that play like this, or if you have some rules you play with, what are they? Thanks Mad
  9. MadMcardle


    Good video man! Have some beans! Anything from 0.58 coming?
  10. MadMcardle

    Persistence Help

    Hi guys, I would like to try and gather some FACTS about persistence and the issues we are all facing. I have read a few topics on the forum and a lot of it seems to be theory. I would like to try and iron out some facts if we can? A few players have been asking me questions on persistence and I would like to answer them as best I can but Idon't have all the answers. Please remember I don't want "I think" or "I heard" replies, lets get the facts! :P 1. Does loot have a time linked to it, would it respawn after said time? 2. Dynamic events, choopers etc, respawn every four hours? 3. Do vehicles despawn/respawn? If so WHEN? 4. If weapons are stashed, does that mean another wouldn't spawn? I will update this post as we go along, hope we can all help each other out. Thanks Mad
  11. MadMcardle

    Persistence Help

    One thing we figured out last night, on restarts ALL trucks face north, how weird is that hey? There was three of us all in Cargo's when the server restarted and BOOM, all changed to the exact north!
  12. MadMcardle

    Umbrella Corp Private Server needs players.

    Man we both only have 30 slots right? Plenty of players to go around huh? Lol
  13. MadMcardle

    First few days of dying and not much playing

    I decided after dying last night that I am going this route, no cans, no water bottle. Literately at the moment I have a hook and a hoe, what else do you need hey? Lol. It can be tough, I died from hypothermia the first time, once I figured out how to survive that I am doing ok, keep some charcoal tabs on me just in case I get low and eat some worms to stop from starving to death (got food poisoning from them) all in all it's tough but very rewarding!
  14. MadMcardle

    Persistence Help

    Thanks for the answers guys, very helpful :)
  15. MadMcardle

    First few days of dying and not much playing

    Welcome to DayZ man! Yeah as the others have said you can find things but you will need to no inland somewhat. The loot etc is having some issues I believe at the moment in this patch as some things don't seem to be respawning, but food wise I have not had a problem to be honest, berries from bushes, apples from the trees are all fine, but be sure to check thoroughly in the buldings for cans, they can be under, on top of and behind things too! I have a fairly friendly server if you want someone to show you the ropes? Feel free to add me on Steam, MadMcardle or PM me on here. Happy scavenging! Mad
  16. MadMcardle

    Umbrella Corp Private Server needs players.

    Hey man, I have recently set up a server too so if you need help with anything feel free to PM me. Getting players in can be difficult but checking out the Steam DayZ hub could help quite a bit too, I also recommend starting a Steam group for players of the server, helps people communicate and team up and I got 50 players join in a couple of days. It can be a struggle to get people to stick to a private server but I wish you all the best with it! Oh and might help to put some more info in the title, was some sound advice I was given :) Enjoy! Mad
  17. MadMcardle

    Persistence Help

    Thanks wasnu, do you know what time though, as in four hours from when?
  18. I need to know is it still there? Lol
  19. MadMcardle

    Green Spray Paints?

    Your welcome, glad to be of some help!
  20. I have come across 2 so far, was great to not know exactly where they were I think, made it all the more intense, luckily no one else was at them! But I didn't get the SVD :( lol
  21. Got up to around 10 players last night, was a great laugh chatting with some of you, shame I flipped two VS3 Cargos but hey, was fun, will be on again this afternoon!
  22. MadMcardle

    There ARE zombies in 0.58!

    I know we've all talked about how there is no zombies in 0.58, I thought they were removed for some glitch reason or something but hey ho I found some! Well only two to be precise but I can hear a third somewhere just can't track him down yet lol.
  23. MadMcardle

    There ARE zombies in 0.58!

    DUDE! That was my breeding zombie! Now what are we gonna do? :P