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Everything posted by MadMcardle

  1. MadMcardle

    Scope ranging, BDC, help

    One of my friends put his helmet on the floor and stood next to it so I could take a few practice shots, he called the hits. Worked well :)
  2. MadMcardle


    The file your looking for is: Users>USERNAME>Documents>DayZ>IN-GAME NAME Hope this helps :) EDIT: The link you gave GIVES you a link to the solution...
  3. MadMcardle

    Does Cooking Still Work?

    Odin I have never seen the fireman outfit before, looks great! I am gonna look for one now! lol
  4. Still looking for new members to join the server, very active admins, PvP events, everybody welcome!
  5. MadMcardle

    Does Cooking Still Work?

    When cooking all that happens is the colour changes, the name 'raw fish fillet' or anything else will remain the same. I have cooked loads. Cooked food does not always make you ill either, there is a small chance.
  6. MadMcardle

    Persistence Wipes, is anyone doing them?

    Thanks for the replies guys, and don't worry I gave the players notice I'm not mean lol :P
  7. MadMcardle

    Persistence Wipes, is anyone doing them?

    I have spoke with a few admins and they seem to be running them quite a bit. I have reported the lag, it seems a hack may have been responsible for the lag, but will have to wipe to fix it unfortunately.
  8. MadMcardle

    Street Cleaners

    Another great video there guys, have some beanys! :P
  9. MadMcardle

    SVD Rarity?

    I found two at one chopper once...I nearly cried :P I am yet to have one in 0.58 but a friend has found one, seem to be very rare, I too play on a private hive and haven't seen/heard of many people with one. I haven't even seen that many russian crash sites.
  10. MadMcardle

    Mystery disease

    Nice to hear a happy ending for once lol. The status of feeling tired etc can stay for 6-10 hours I believe but glad your on the mend :)
  11. MadMcardle

    The problem with the game. My views

    Everyone always goes on about loot "it's broken", "it's not working" or "X isn't spawning" when people join my server they ask "what's the loot like here?" I always point them in the direction of - https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/223307-central-economy/ Now yes compared to 0.57 there is a lot less loot, but there is still 27,000 items between the maximum of 50 people right? There is food and clothing galore and like Whyherro123 said, desperate for food? There are berries and apples, around 6 apples and you can be pretty hydrated and energized. Hope this helps man :)
  12. MadMcardle

    Mystery disease

    You'll need to get someone to give you that syringe man just so you know. And where did you find your M4?
  13. MadMcardle

    Mystery disease

    Did you drink from a pond at all? That's the way to get it. It is possible to survive by eating and drinking and taking the antibiotics, you may need to hydrate a bit more but I have got past it before.
  14. MadMcardle

    Mystery disease

    Your sir have Cholera :P Keep eating and drinking and taking the antibiotics and it will go...eventually.
  15. MadMcardle

    Some real life gas masks and RAF radio

    Was out shopping the other day when these beauts caught my eye, pretty nice wouldn't you agree? I may have to go back and buy some bits from here, had some ammo crates and old uniform too, pretty cool stuff. Would look good in any mans cave/command center :P
  16. MadMcardle

    v3s GAS TANK LEAK?

    Unless it is supposed to move, then it's WD40 right? :P
  17. MadMcardle

    v3s GAS TANK LEAK?

    Don't think it can be fixed bud, real annoying though. Never though about duct tape though lol :)
  18. So I am on the night shift, 7 hours to go until DayZ time :P anyway me and a friend were discussing white armbands, I always thought that they meant I am a new player or I am friendly and he thinks it means I am a threat or I KoS, just wondered what other survivors thought? Obviously this is not an absolute, just peoples opinions :)
  19. MadMcardle

    White armband, what do they mean to you?

    Thanks for all the replies guys, nice to read some other peoples thoughts, that's what I like about this game, something so small can mean nothing to someone and something very different to another. Diversity is key :P Happy gaming
  20. MadMcardle

    BE Kick - User Script

    Hey guys, Someone was kicked from my server today for a BE 'User Script' and I just wondered what it was? Is this an error or someone hacking or something? I am considering banning them but don't want to ban them if it is a simple mistake. Thanks Mad
  21. MadMcardle

    BE Kick - User Script

    Thanks for the reply man, he kept doing the same thing so I added him to ask him what he was actually trying to do, he accepted but as you can probably guess he didn't reply to my questions, so in the end I thought it was best to ban him. First and only person to be banned on my server.
  22. MadMcardle

    Need help.. Morphine or how to fix arm is in pain

    Can also be found in the toilets of the guard houses that had all the loot last patch, varies medical spawns.
  23. MadMcardle

    having a problem tearing shirts to rags

    Isn't it technically cutting rags and not tearing now though? :P
  24. MadMcardle

    Prisons, fishing and the future

    Is the Mackerel random with the net? As I only got sardines when I did it.
  25. MadMcardle

    What are the chances?

    So I was playing last night on my private server, new guy joins, sees I am admin and adds me as a friend, we start chatting, decide to meet up, I ask him to cover me while I loot tent city, starts to ask where I am from etc turns out we are both from the same town in England, then village, wait I used to hang around with his brother! It was seriously freaky I couldn't believe it!