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Everything posted by MadMcardle

  1. MadMcardle

    Server wipe question

    Ah ok fair enough, I mean I haven't killed a lot of people, but a shed load of zombies, was just curious to the figure :)
  2. Ah good shout Bones, will update!
  3. MadMcardle

    Server wipe question

    I could swear I read somewhere that they are in game but we cannot view it yet, just the devs.
  4. I have to agree, I don't think double carrying is a good idea. Make your play, long range or CQC.
  5. MadMcardle

    Call me a fan boy if you will, but I'm pumped!

    No your probably right man, as long as it is done by 20:00 I am happy lol
  6. MadMcardle

    Call me a fan boy if you will, but I'm pumped!

    Your a fan boy! But don't worry, I am as well, I have to work tomorrow though but Friday and Saturday = DayZ all day! Lol
  7. I have just purchased a public server, just to get me started and used to using the ACP etc, I was wondering if someone could help me with the BEC, as I understand it that must be running right? But when I check it on the Addon Manager it says it is terminated. I just want to make sure it's all running fair and correct so I don't get a warning :P Thanks Mad
  8. MadMcardle

    [UK] MadMcardles Server [First Giveaway Announced]

    This server is now closed in preparation for the new private server from patch 0.58
  9. MadMcardle

    Attempted Elektro Assassination

    What's happened to your comms bud?
  10. MadMcardle

    Buying a new desktop

    Looks like this is going to be a little longer than I thought, but will let you know when I am going ahead guys :)
  11. Met a new survivor whilst playing tonight, was checking out the SWAF when we ran in to some trouble, shots fired, major desync and the guy that shot at us logged out, some more logged in and I was on edge to be honest, guy runs in the room I ask if it was my new wingman and no reply twice! Guy turns on me and I shoot...it was my friend, he changed his helmet for a balaclava and beret and didn't say so I thought I didn't think it was him lol. Keep your team mates informed if you change your appearance! Lol :lol:
  12. MadMcardle

    Keep your teams mates informed!

    Lol omg that's awesome! I am gonna try that on someone! lol
  13. Two days getting to prison island? Did you crawl there? Lol
  14. MadMcardle

    Mass Graves

    I was just walking along the coast, pretty dark and couldn't see much as my flare ran out, was very close to falling off some rocks which made me think about some mass graves. I would presume that the police/military would have tried to "clear it up" some how to stop the infection so maybe some mass graves in some of the woods? Would be a pretty scary thing to be going through the woods, maybe escaping from someone and BAM you fall in a mass grave! Anyway just a suggestion...kinda why I posted it here really :P Thoughts?
  15. MadMcardle


    Hello, So I have recently started coding and would like to start making graphics too, but I have no idea where to start with it, I mean I am not spending serious cash on Photoshop or anything like that, if someone could point me in the right direction of something simple to use and free that would be great :)
  16. MadMcardle


    I have started trying out gimp right now but will try that too soon :)
  17. MadMcardle

    [UK] MadMcardles Server [First Giveaway Announced]

    This server is going private from 0.58 and I am looking for more active players! I am on daily, mostly evenings but depends on shifts at work, I have some interesting ideas for some competitions and giveaways for server players only! Don't care about your play style, hero or bandit we need all types to have fun right? Everything is being wiped when 0.58 hits stable, so why not go private then and reduce the chance of server hoppers! :)
  18. MadMcardle


    Cheers B@ker!
  19. MadMcardle

    Mass Graves

    Yeah I have seen those ones bud, but I am on about holes in the ground you could fall in :)
  20. Good video but man, you sound annoyed the whole way through lol
  21. MadMcardle

    Buying a new desktop

    Yeah I get what your saying man, but that is one thing I am not going to change you know? And if it's gonna be custom it's gotta look good I reckon! Hopefully it will be doable next month, lets hope the tax man is in a good mood hey? Lol. Anyway, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best, what sort of gameplay/fps do you reckon I would get from that rig?
  22. MadMcardle

    Buying a new desktop

    Ok now we just need to get it to around the £600 mark lol
  23. MadMcardle

    Buying a new desktop

    Oh ok, well take a look at my rig, first of all would you say it's decent? Then if you can work some magic and make it cheaper that would be great! :P lol