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About theodoredrenov@yahoo.com

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  1. theodoredrenov@yahoo.com


    I have an idea that is more or less an expansion on Phatbastard's idea. More or less allowing weapons to be disassembled not just for the purpose of stuffing them into backpacks but also to allow repairs, cleaning, and customization. Not so in depth that it confuses anyone who doesn't know everything about the rifle but enough to make knowing a thing or two count. Example: You find an upper receiver for an M4 with a 20 inch barrel. It is missing the bolt and rear sights. To make it into a working rifle you need to find a bolt, lower receiver, rear sight (carry handle/optic), and a loaded magazine. Each of these parts could have 2 condition levels, one for how damaged it is and another for how clean it is. Depending on the part they would effect different aspects of the rifle. For example a dirty barrel will reduce accuracy while a damaged bolt can cause the rifle to jam.
  2. theodoredrenov@yahoo.com

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    As of now I have only been able to join servers via the friends submenu. Other than that you can not see any servers.
  3. theodoredrenov@yahoo.com

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    I have the same issue, I got off to take a break and when I came back I was unable to join my previous server nor am I able to see any servers on the list.
  4. theodoredrenov@yahoo.com

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    I would like to see both the cross-hairs and 3rd person removed. DayZ is meant to appeal more to the hardcore side of gaming. I also think weapons need to be brought back up to realistic levels. If a player is shot in the chest by 7.62x51 they just walk it off. It should drop them almost instantly. Id say about 10,000-11,000 blood in damage for that round is good. I'l put a suggested damage table below for the various rounds currently seen in the mod minus the anti-material rifles.
  5. This is the first good anti-PVP thread I have seen and I have to say this is an A+ solution. On top of that it also suits the players that request more difficult game-play. By making this game much harder I feel it makes the game more enjoyable. I would love to see most of not all of this fully implemented into the game.
  6. theodoredrenov@yahoo.com

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes, it serves no real purpose
  7. I have something to add to vehicles. I would like to see some modifications for vehicles that will effect its performance. Not anything like replacing the engine because that requires specialized equipment. But something like an improved muffler to reduce the sound the vehicle makes or all terrain tires to improve speed while off-road. Also after reading the suggestions for bases I would have to say that you would need a much larger world to allow for good size camps to be built. Simply because groups of players will likely spend long hours building an underground base but it only takes one player could come along and ruin the entire thing. Also editing the world to have a more balanced population would be great. Currently the world had high concentration zones such as Cherno, Electro, and the NW air field. This creates problems because of the number of players moving around in these areas. I think as the DayZ standalone comes out world editing will become much more common and that issue could solve itself. All in all this is a grade A thread with awesome suggestions and I hope many of them make it into the actual game.
  8. theodoredrenov@yahoo.com

    Unconscious spawning bug

    Iv been suffering this same issue. It must have to do with the shock status being applied to a player. Normally when a player logs out while in shock they log back on unconscious and when they wake up shock should be gone. However this is not the case. I think that the shock effect is both preventing the player from being warped back to his or her previous location due to the unconscious state. And it is also being saved as you being in a state of shock. Thus you are set into a perpetual state of shock that will render you unconscious every time you log on. I am going to check if an epi-pen will do anything to help this.
  9. theodoredrenov@yahoo.com

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    This has happened to me also. I logged out at NWAF. About 2 hours later I got into another server and spawned on the coast. After that I moved back up north and logged out. That time when I logged back in I was unconscious. Also both times when I spawned my primary was in my hands but not usable. I had to swap to my secondary and back to my primary in order to use it.
  10. theodoredrenov@yahoo.com

    AI Bandits

    Just one word, no. The way most Bots behave in Arma2 going north would be like walking into a shooting gallery. And with the damage delt by weapons to a player this would end up being the largest cause of death in the mod.
  11. theodoredrenov@yahoo.com

    Lost all my equipment?!

    This happened to me earlier also. I had died earlier and spawned near Electro. After some looting I started to leave. I found a player that had apparently been killed by zeds. I got an alice pack, some food/drinks, a compass and map, a hunting knife, and I flipped when I saw he had a ghillie suit. After making sure I had the ghillie suit in my inventory I started for the hills. I aggroed 0 zeds and logged out somewhere in the woods about 3-4 minutes after taking the loot. I had not put the suit on so it was in my inventory. When I logged back on later it was gone. No idea why it vanished. I still had all the other stuff I took from his body.