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Everything posted by debo

  1. Ignored for 5 days with no admin or DayZ staff response.
  2. debo

    Hacker on Chicago 1

    Im also noticing on alot of people that they will get kicked for Script Restriction #33 idk if that has to do with any of the hacking that has been happening.
  3. I get on chicago 1 server and only to find out that i need 1.5.6, i even checked here and still was a 1.5.5 please release announcement post.
  4. debo

    DayZ Update 1.5.5

    explain more what a bird simulator is? birds attack you now?
  5. debo

    Do i need Oa?

    Yes and OA on steam is now 19.99. Combined ops (A2/OA) 29.99.
  6. It would be longer lasting then the chemlights. The purpose of this would be to guide someone to a meeting spot such as a campsite. the con would be is unfriendly people who have night vision and can easily see them from far distance . Just wondering if we could put anything like that in.
  7. debo

    Arma 3

    +1 mangg
  8. Trip flares sounds ok, Trip mines, no unless youre lucky to find one somewhere
  9. debo

    Night Vision, Should it be removed?

    I still get killed while wearing night vision 3 times now. . . .
  10. debo

    Would you kill a bandit?

    If they look threatening kill it with fire
  11. debo

    About the eating sound

    Its funny everytime i eat it lol, would wish i hear a burp lol
  12. debo


    On urbanlife rpg server its possible
  13. debo

    DayZ Update 1.4.5

    Too many updates X) Good support guys