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Everything posted by MorpeTheMage

  1. I bought the DayZ standalone when it first was available on steam and put around 50 hours into it, after becoming bored of it I uninstalled it and didn't come back to it til recently and now that i have reinstalled the game every time I attempt to open it it gives me an error that read unable to find a running instance of steam then after closing that window steam tells me that it failed to open the game because it is already open. I have already uninstalled steam and reinstalled, checked game cache, reinstalled the game, deleted the app cache and let steam re download it yet i still cant fix the issue. Was wondering if anyone knows a solution other then those because nothing I have seen has fixed the issue. Edit- I figured out a way to bypass this issue so if anyone else has this issue and no solutions are working simply quit out of steam find your DayZ folder inside of your steam folder then run the game as adminstrator from their where it should force steam to open with the game which will give you the same popups as before but will also open the game and allow you to play it.