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Posts posted by ShootyMcStabbyface

  1. Anytime, try to roll back to stable branch and see if it now fills your server list real quick.


    To revert back to Stable Branch.

    Right click DayZ in your Steam Library

    Click Properties

    Click the Betas tab

    In the drop down menu choose...

    NONE = opt out of all beta programs

    Close properties.

    This doesn't trigger my game to re-download or rollback to stable .49


    I even deleted and re-installed the game. Same character I had on Exp and no servers.


    Any ideas? :wacko:

  2. I may have done the flush thing wrong or not enough times in a row. Going to try that and config file edit and see how it goes. Thing is, me and my buddy humped a bunch of car parts to Green Mountain with hopes of fixing up a vehicle if we were lucky enough to find one. We unfortunately had to log due to being in a river of triangles. He's decided not to play until there is a patch or hotfix but Im dying to go in there and have a look!

  3. There are multiple ways to reduce or negate the artifacting, available to any and all via the forum search function.

    I wonder how many posters in this thread have actually bothered looking though.

    Ive looked at the threads. None have conclusive fixes, hence the bump. Replacing the anim files seems promising. Can I still play .4 after replacing this file?

    • Like 1

  4. if you hit the "." button it will go through the channels. Side/Direct/Vehicle, etc. When you first get in, hit the "." until it gets to direct communication. Set a key for chat in the control options, I think default is capslock but I have mine set to mouse 5. Hit the button you assigned and you will be speaking in direct chat. Just always remember to do this when you load in and you're good. Beans for asking. Hate when someone approaches me and I ask "friendly?" and they say nothing. I have to kill them and it sucks.

  5. I hope that the map will be a "western" (US/UK/Euro) based map with an excellent mixture of urban/cities and woodland/countryside. It would be great to see lots of waterways, coastline and islands too.

    I'm also excited at the prospect of much bigger landscapes, many more enter-able buildings. Indeed even the vast range of different types of buildings such as multi-storey skyscrapers, prisons, apartments, suburban homes, country cottages, car parks, subways, airports, military camps, shopping malls (come on there HAS to be a shopping mall! ;) ) etc.

    Nailed it.

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