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Doug (DayZ)

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About Doug (DayZ)

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  1. Doug (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I suppose you don't have a clear understanding of cheating and anti-cheat systems. The incidences you speak of are caused by people running server-side scripts. The anti-cheat that Rocket and myself are discussing in this thread seems to deal with taking away items if the algorithm has enough confidence to determine that they were hacked in. This aspect of an anti-cheat system has nothing to do with the hacks your talking about. Using this new anti-cheat, Rocket intends to balance things out, item-wise. He's failing, because his algorithm is classifying legit players as cheaters.
  2. Doug (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I hear what you're saying' date=' but unlike CCP with Eve, or Blizzard with WoW - this project isn't based on a subscription model. In fact, this project isn't based on any money at all. It's a bit shit, but the only way for the experiment to continue is with mistakes. I have to keep being bold. There is a reason the game everyone always thought of was never made, and this is it. Because nobody could deal with the fallout from the insufferable process of trial and error associated with pushing the boundaries to make it happen. [/quote'] Pretty sure that isn't a reason why nobody ever made a game like DayZ. I'm a programmer, and a lot of what you've done isn't very complicated at all. I do give you a lot of credit though, because the ArmA II engine is a piece of dung. I'm sure using the ArmA engine makes creating DayZ very problematic, difficult, and error-prone.
  3. Doug (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    You are not a customer' date=' you are a volunteer tester. [/quote'] I'm afraid you aren't clear on what an analogy is. Just as DRM is analogous to anti-cheat, in this example, customers are analogous to players (or testers, if you want to call them that). DRM that hurts paying customers is bad, just as anti-cheat that hurts legit players is bad.
  4. Doug (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    piss off this is a alpha its for testing your supposed to be fcked by bugs and loose all your shit EVERYDAY. until retail. Okay stop bitching. First off its alpha don't be a prick about losing gear just fuck off mate. its patch day and these things are bound to happen if you do not like the way he and the other dev's are designing the game then fuckin' don't play it. As well as "when they loose items that took" It's lose. Not loose. Notice, I wasn't referring to myself in this case. Losing items isn't a big deal to me, but it's a big deal to a majority of Rocket's player base.
  5. Doug (DayZ)

    Tents and Vehicles

    They are both pretty unsafe. Don't get attached to your gear, you will loose it.
  6. Doug (DayZ)

    Tents and Vehicles

    True, contents of tents will sometimes disappear. Usually after the first server restart after placing the tent(s). It's hit or miss.
  7. Doug (DayZ)

    FAL ANPV S4 or DMR

    Go with the DMR. You won't be finding FAL ammo around anyway. DMR ammo, on the other hand, is relatively common.
  8. Doug (DayZ)

    Tents still duping/losing items

    Confirm. When you move a tent around, it dupes and deletes your items upon server restart.
  9. Doug (DayZ)

    What is the actual purpose of barbed wire?

    They are great for setting up camps. They inhibit the movement of attackers trying to get into your camp, and they also serve as a boundary and look really cool.
  10. Doug (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    These guys (namely pzrapnbeast) saved my life with a blood transfusion. Thanks guys!