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About shnikies

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. shnikies

    3 month away...

    To OP you shuold try this guys server^^^^^^ Its in his sig they do a good job of keeping the hackers out. Quality admins.
  2. Dude the server is amazing we really appreciate all the help. We will be playing in your teams server until the standalone. You guys are really on top of the Hacker epidemic that plagues this game. We have about 4 more guys that will be joining in with us when we join in the future. Again thanks we have been looking for a server like this for a while. AKA - Old Man River
  3. None of our guys are like that we love the game. It just sucks when you've built up your character and some douche comes along and wipes you out using hacks.
  4. One of my friends is trying it now. Thanks for the heads up.
  5. We dont want to have to be in someone elses teamspeak to play in a server we have our own vent we are just looking for a clean game. Its looking pretty imposible right now.
  6. I think you were in the server with us the other day lingor i believe. A hacker had taken control of people and was making them dance. Well shortly after that he teleported everyone into the sky and we all fell to our death simultaneously..
  7. My friends and I have been trying to play this game for the past week after a long break from the game because of hacking. We have joined several private hives and every server we go into we get killed by hackers. I am just looking for a server thats actually managed and looked after. It doesnt matter what map we have all of them. We just want to play where when we get in a group we arent targeted by hackers. There is ussally about 6 of us and we seem to have bad luck no matter what server we go in.
  8. No way its 60$ it wont even be complete when its released. They would be insane to release this game for 60$
  9. shnikies

    Sweet, sweet karma (bandits suck)

    They look stupid too heros are the shit. My character below.
  10. Rocket already stated if you pick up a hacked weapon in game and you didnt spawn it in it is fair game. You will not be banned for this so just enjoy the gun while you can.
  11. shnikies

    Funny Hackers (video inside)

    I totally agree man gave you my beans. All im saying is we fucking all broke out dancing. I was kind of in shock.
  12. shnikies

    Funny Hackers (video inside)

    That shit was funny dude if you were there you would understand.
  13. First let me say I dispise hacking but what happend to my clan yesterday was THE funniest thing ive ever seen in this game. Hacking needs to be squashed in DayZ but moments like this where hackers aren't complete douchebags are kind of rare and hilarious.