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About Velaxis

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  1. Simply looking for a new place to call home, sick and tired on joining servers only to see 1000+ vehicles weapons no night time and getting given half your gear as you start the game. I am looking for something that has a player base 24/7 and is without all the bells and whistles. Sick to death of the CoD servers that serve no purpose other than to join and maybe practice flying. Also don't want any servers that give you your location on the map and showing placement of other survivors or any of that crap. Also one without crosshairs would be a bonus as well.
  2. Currently having the same problem, however it only just started I was playing fine a moment ago and now I just can't seem to get back on.
  3. More vehicles, more guns, more, more food. More more more. Game seems all about instant gratification than actual exploration and trying to hunt down a working car. I love the fact there are so few, makes finding one that much sweeter and much harder once you lose it. This new influx of players I have experienced since I have come back to the game just want everything handed to them and not have to work for them. If you find a broken car and then decide to fix it that is a new goal to achieve and strive for in game. The way this game has just turned from hard survival to a casual stroll in the forest with automatic weapons is very sad to see.
  4. Velaxis

    Old player, what happened

    I don't know if it has to do with the age of the players or just the fact the influx of new players have come from games like CoD/BF etc and just want instant gratification. They don't want to look for gear because that is "hard" or some say it is boring which I wonder why they then play the game in the first place. With the servers just full of these extra Vehicles and weapons makes finding a good home very hard to do. Especially if you live in Australia like myself. I guess I might just have to deal with the extra latency and find some of these servers that have not got everything served to you on a platter. I very much hope the guys doing the standalone don't see that adding this kind of crap in will give them a wider audience. Wider audience usually means the end of a game, Hackers I can deal with they are going to be in most games. Even at the level of hacking going on at the moment I can put up with it. But finding a server that is both fairly hacker free and playing a version of the game that isn't designed for someone with the patience of a 5 year old and the IQ of a glass of water.
  5. I come back after being away from the game for months. I start looking around joining a server here or there, first thing I notice is hackers have shot through the roof. First game I join I get dropped from the sky with everyone on the server. Now that I can deal with there are whitelisted servers and such. But then I start looking at the servers I joined after finding nearly all my gear instantly. Nearly every server is some sort of 100+ Cars and weapons bullshit with helicopters flying everywhere. Was on a server earlier where one guy is just giving out weapons to everyone because he donated to the server so gets free gear. It is great that there are private hives and people can whitelist and make hacker free servers. But the quality of servers are shocking, no challenge no worry of loss of life/gear etc. Hell some servers even have 24 hour daylight and your food/drink does not go down. Are there any servers left that are not just CoD with zombies thrown in. Or has the playerbase turned that bad that these are the only servers that can keep players. Sad to see them full and any that seem to be running the regular style Dayz are empty. Almost wish I had not bothered reinstalling Arma for this.
  6. So tonight six updater decided to update me to the new beta patch 95883. This has caused me to pretty much be unable to join any server with a lower beta patch. I just seem to get stuck on the loading screen with no way of getting past. I have deleted the entire game only to reinstall it and six updater insisting on installing this beta patch. I can't seem to use it to install just the dayz mod so I can add the old patch in manualy. Is there any way I can change my beta patch back to the old 95417 patch as that was working fine the evening before and all the servers I wish to join are using that patch. Any help would be apreciated.
  7. Velaxis

    Inventory frozen

    Have the same problem seems it will be that way untill there is a patch. Fair few other people are having a problem with it as well who are unable to advance in loot. Yes it does make it easy to dupe. I think it happened after the last patch. After work tonight I am going to try and install the newest beta and see if that has an effect. Or go back to a previous verson of Dayz.
  8. Velaxis

    Inventory Missing

    I think this is a problem with the patch and nothing else unfortunatly. Tried multiple times to resolve the issue on my end but can't seem to get anywhere. That and it seems to of happened right after the last patch. So hopefully there will be a new patch soon.
  9. Velaxis

    Inventory Missing

    Look to be having the exact same problem as you izzie. Do you happen to have 2 arma accounts as I thought it may have something to do with the issue. Althought it did happen right after I updated to Not sure what else I can try to fix the problem as I have already reinstalled. Thinking it may be a problem with the patch now .
  10. Velaxis

    Items keep rerolling

    Have the same problem can not get any of my loot to remain after picking it up. Have tried killing my character bringing him back etc. Really hope there is a fix soon.
  11. 18/6/12 5:00pm Version 1.71 Server DayZ-ANZ3 Vet 1.71 Location: Pustoshka church. Friend found a ghillie behind church pew, As soon as he put on this Ghillie the server crashed, We rejoined the same server about 5 minutes later, Friend no longer was wearing the Ghillie. I must stress the server crashed the very moment he put on the Ghillie. After logging back on and no long having the Ghillie we played for about an hour to two hours. Then my friend had to log off, After disconnecting his body remained.....Forever, with all guns items etc intact and lootable. Even after logging back in friend still had all items. Him DCing again got the same result another duplicate standing stock still on the ground with all his gear which is able to be removed. The duplicates appear to be standing corpses, without the fly noises. Scratched pale and bloody faces. Not sure if this is known but it has never happaned before this patch, Also if I dc myself and join back in a duplicate of myself is NOT left behind. Friend was also dcing the normal way and not alt f4ing.