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Everything posted by thepoey

  1. thepoey

    Console Update 1.13

    Awesome update. Any unlisted fixes for duping exploits on consoles?
  2. thepoey

    DayZ Update 1.13

    Yeah. As you move into higher tier loot areas, the infected will get harder
  3. thepoey

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    I don't think the Tencent thing is really part of it; a minor stake isn't going to push the direction of the entire company and push a game like DayZ to the backburner. DayZ just doesn't make the company money anymore. I think it has more to do with Ylands offering microtransactions. It probably makes more money in a month than the total single purchases DayZ yields in a year. Same with Vigor. BI sees DayZ as a one time, single source of revenue, with continually diminishing returns. Games like Vigor and Ylands are constant revenue streams, so they get all of the attention.
  4. thepoey

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    DayZ only got a fork of the new Enfusion engine. It was supposed to get all of it, but midway through development, unbeknownst to the Dev Team at the time, the Enfusion team was pulled off of DayZ to work on another project. DayZ in 2021 is a mix of the new and old engine. That info came from a former Dev on the subreddit a while back, and I am simplifying it a bit but based on that alone, and the massively reduced development team, DayZ is very clearly no longer a priority for BI, and hasn't been for a while. Overall point is this; if there is any news to share about existing work and upgrades to the Enfusion engine, the DayZ team and the DayZ forums are not going to be the place where this information is shared and trying to get it here is barking up the wrong tree. It's very likely that the DayZ team is not even privy to this info, or more likely, not allowed to share any news or updates about work happening on Enfusion (or any other project) within BI that they are not directly involved in. I'm just speculating, but I wouldn't take the DayZ team's silence on Enfusion to be any indicator, good or bad, about the status of the engine. It's not just simply not their wheelhouse.
  5. thepoey

    DayZ Wipe Announcement 1.13

    Truly do not understand the weird tribalism/feud between players of Rust and DayZ. The two games aren’t even remotely similar aside from having guns and a hunger meter. Rust is closer to Minecraft than it is to DayZ.
  6. thepoey

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    There's never been a hard confirmation of this. It's just all rumors. That said, we know the team is pretty small, and we know the lead animator was moved to another BI project at some point in 2019, which is probably where the speculation comes from, but the "No animator!" stuff is all conjecture and speculation regardless. It's never been confirmed by anyone from The Dev Team that there is no animator. I also wouldn't expect that to be confirmed. Also noteworthy is a comment in the early 2021 status report about the team needing to utilize "existing assets" for updates, which I guess you could infer as their way of saying "we can only use what we already have." It's definitely not the most insane thing I've seen this community speculate on; it's definitely a reasonable assumption to make. It's pretty clear that DayZ is not remotely a priority for Bohemia Interactive, and it's frustrating the studio doesn't want to invest more into it. Glass half full: The Dev Team also stated they were looking to expand the team; it's entirely possible a new animation lead could be part of that. Anyone who tells you they know otherwise for sure is just guessing.
  7. thepoey

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    His point is that constantly bringing it up on every single post isn't making it go any faster. I understand from a community perspective, especially when the issue is frustrating, and been around for a long time, The Devs not actively commenting on it can create the impression that it's not being worked on or that they don't care. I am guilty of this with some things as well; silence sometimes makes these feel like they are being ignored. But I think the reality is really more in between, that when there is meaningful progress to be made, it will be shared. Just because The Devs aren't actively commenting on the issue with every post doesn't mean things aren't happening. They are clearly aware of the issues with this game; they spend far more time with it than we do. Personally, I think providing us with a bit more insight into what issues The Devs are seeing and how the issue is being approached would alleviate this, but I understand the need to under promise/over deliver. There's also a huge disconnect between BI The Publisher and BI The Developers and at the end of the day, The Devs are still employees that answer to someone else.
  8. thepoey

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    I feel like for the BI higher ups, the problem is that DayZ is a one time revenue stream, with diminishing returns, and they don't want to put the money into development to allow for new maps or content that could potentially be monetized. The DayZ community would absolutely not stand for microtransactions, so the short sighted BI perspective is that games like Ylands and Vigor are worth more time and investment, because they have a constant revenue stream. Obviously that's just speculation, but it seems obvious that if BI just invested more overhead into DayZ instead of slowly picking it apart across the course of its development, it would ultimately probably generate more sales and revenue because it would be a better product and generate better word of mouth. It's pretty clear at this point, that The Devs working on the game are still doing so because they care about it and this community (and its employment), and BI is simply allowing them to do so because its probably a minimal cost with some return. At the beginning of the year, the team was supposed to be expanding, but who knows how that played out.
  9. thepoey

    1.13 Experimental Release

    This is the point?
  10. thepoey

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    I don't think there's anything "hype" about patch notes; it still represents a change to in-game code that is good to be aware of, even if it isn't visually distinct.
  11. thepoey

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    I think at this point, we can't really expect sizeable new assets. Skeleton crew Dev team, only really going to tweak what's already there for the most part.
  12. thepoey

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    I’m hoping these are completely new looking infected with completely different behavior but part of me suspects they look the same, just with values tweaked under the hood. Curious to check it out.
  13. thepoey

    Cars wont drive uphill

    The boost function doesn't exist on console. There are parts of the map where cars just seemingly can't get any traction. Sometimes it's because there's clearly a large hill or incline, but sometimes there's no rhyme or reason to it. Here's a recent example. The car just COULD NOT accelerate no matter what I did. The only thing that works is putting it in neutral, revving the engine, and doing incremental tiny boosts until it frees itself. The ADA performs the best uphills and on forest, but it's not at all consistent.
  14. thepoey

    Stable Update 1.12

    Devs, take note. When the majority of speculation about the content tease is in regards to the chicken house, and not the assault rifle, that should be a clue as to what players are hopeful for when it comes to game additions, and it isn't more military grade guns no one can find.
  15. thepoey

    DayZ | +45 QoL suggestions | Part 2

  16. thepoey

    Stable Update 1.12

    This makes total sense. I noticed it always happened when I was experiencing desync, so it lines up. Agreed on the unprofessional look. Especially when wolves or bears peak their heads through. It's funny but...looks so janky.
  17. thepoey

    Stable Update 1.12

    This was happening on a few specific doors and buildings in 1.11, but it was supposedly fixed in 1.12. At least on Livonia and Chernarus.
  18. thepoey

    DayZ in 2021

    been barking up this tree since at least December lol. It suuuuuccckkkkssssss.
  19. thepoey

    DayZ in 2021

    LOL 400 slots server will never happen, the game would melt. Give up the helicopter dream, it’s never gonna happen. Same with the horde.
  20. wild the person went to all that trouble but didn't use any barb wire
  21. Lol see this is the kind of stuff I’m talking about!! You shouldn’t be able to just worm your way over walls!
  22. I suspect with the skeleton Dev Team we have now, any substantial new content is off the table sadly, and it’s going to come down to just figuring out what can be done with existing assets.
  23. I think if there were more alternatives to the wooden fences, I'd be mostly ok with the current level of protection they provide. I feel like there should be at least one more tier and metal walls should really provide more protection than they do. Currently metal walls only barely provide anymore protection than wood, and without much more rare metal is in comparison to lumber, it's really imbalanced. Maybe the addition of concrete walls or something to reinforce the wooden structures would be good. Loosening up the build restrictions and limiting vaulting in some areas would also go a long way. Barricading existing structures would also help. There was talk a long time ago of utilizing in game crafting tables for more recipes, and that seems to have just completely fallen off the way side, but I remember an old status report discussing it. I'm personally ok with the current level tools degrade at, but I think to get around the feeling that they burn out too fast (totally understand why this is frustrating), I think a better solution would be to maybe buff the health of said items, and make pristine and worn items MUCH harder to find. This would incentivize the use of repair items and require much more purposeful use and planning. Or perhaps the soft skills system could be integrated to improve the life and use of tools once you've developed sufficient skill? There's definitely a lot of options out there, just takes some creative thinking.
  24. thepoey

    Console Update 1.12

    No reason to be an asshole about it.