I dont mean to be rude, i feel the pain aswell, though imho its "barking on a wrong tree" or how is it said :). Its being developed on the way, every1 has been warned about it, u click on "I understand" when playing. They dont do anything wrong, they did not give us any promise or right to demand anything. Thats the reality. U are right about performance being important and thats why devs are working hard on it, but it takes more time, than they planed - It happens. The focus now is on the new renderer and its implementation into the engine while separating it from simulation. Simple said. They are aiming to at least doubling the average fps in crowded areas like city...Many important performance updates will hapen after that i believe.It would be nice to have the new renderer stuff going on as a christmass gift, though nobody knows atm, when it will be implemented to boost our fps a lot.Also they are heavily working on the zeds/infected and how they are affecting server performance.