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About Tremulant

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Tremulant

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Game is currently unplayable with melee weapon bug d/cing everyone can you just fix that soonish so its at least playable until you upload all these other changes?
  2. Tremulant

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Any word on an ETA?
  3. Tremulant

    Argh flashlight won't work!!

    Yep same issue, hammering L until my finger went raw! First time I ever played on a night time server was tonight and it worked fine, the game is really cool with just a flash-light very scary and atmospheric, HOWEVER like a noob I died and then I couldn't work the flash-light again, changed servers, re spawned nothing worked so I have had to give in and use a daylight server. :huh::huh: