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About andytran

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. andytran

    SurvivaL Please ...

    I have survivied for 10 hours in DayZ. After I being ganged up by a groupd of cold blooded badits, I learend new way to surive and also can fight back the bandits whenever they are encountering me. First of all, go find clothes that have more slots to carry supplies with you. Then sneak around big citiea to loot tactical vest and police station for MP5-K. The reason I said go for MP5-K is the ammuntion of that SMG is really easy to find and the rate of fire is insane. It's also almost invisible for otger players to see the firearm. I got pinned down by 2 guys earlier. I guess they had no idea that I have .357 revolver and mp5-k on me and I do have plenty ammo for both of the firearms. I knew they were following me, so I led them into a building. They followed me into the building and they had no idea that I was waiting for them with my MP5-K. I sprayed the whole mag at them. Then loot the bodies ... then out of the city in no time. You need to learn how to improvise at any situation. Don't want to take the risk to fight bad guys, then lay low and run fast into the woods. Now my character is fully geared up,I can either get into a gun fight or continue to another locayion for better gears
  2. andytran

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I chose Mp5-K and .357 magnum revovler. Reason: For the MP5-K,since it is chambered with 9mm round, it isn't hard to find ammunition, good for Close quarter combat, great rate of fire, almost concealable on the back. Great looking firearm. Put a ACOG optic on the MP5-K and you will have a great combination, no need to have a binocular. I have like 300 rounds of 9mm, never afraid to run out of anno. For .357 revolver, the ammo is also plenty and easy to find, 1 shot to kill zeds, 2 shots to kill a players, mini cannon I say. I have played 25 hours, died few times before I figured out how to survive in this game. I can go whereever I want in Dayz without worrying, I got supllies that will last me for hours without looting