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About Morietti

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Morietti

    Moar Wepanz!

    So basically these cold war stuff then? :P I think it would fit in the RUS/CZ feel of DayZ
  2. Still a friendly survivor, but is less likely to have family/friends, and loots every place, but would pick up a Molotov cocktail and begin looting every single store in sight after getting word of an apocalypse. And rape
  3. Morietti

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    42. If you hear someone "honk".. Leg it!
  4. Morietti

    bad weather in dayz

    But it's duck season But rabbits taste like chicken.. Especially with the Flower Filling/Stuffing
  5. Morietti

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    32. There's never any "accidental" shots in Cherno ^Forgot that one.
  6. Morietti

    bad weather in dayz

    I usually get a rifle and go hunting bunny rabbits while picking lovely flowers in the shining sun.
  7. Morietti

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    28. There's never any friendly's in Cherno. 29. Supermarkets contain weapons but not food.
  8. Morietti

    Graphics and FPS

    I think its related to ArmA more then DayZ, cause my 680 usually got like, 20+ FPS, and even less in first person mode sometimes. Its weird.
  9. Morietti

    Do you ever feel guilty for shooting on site?

    Guilty? No. Bad? Yes.
  10. Morietti

    MP5SD6 Firemode Bug

    I think i managed to get the bug down, and some others aswell, like aggro issue.
  11. Date/Time: 20-21:00 GMT+2 What happened: A zombie stood still, had Semi (click for each bullet), hit the zombie about 6-7 times, i heard a sound like i shot myself or a player, male voice, right next to me, scream out in pain. I then switched to burst mode (3 bullets) and it killed the zombie instantly, no scream sound, i also tried using burst on other zombies, they die by the burst, but they dont even notice the Semi, they just keep on doing what they doing Where you were: Rog What you were doing: Aiming down sight, with a female character *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: Dont remember *Your system specs: N/A *Timeline of events before/after error: Looting and walking around.
  12. Morietti

    Guns in action

    Carrying a MP5SD6 (?) and a M1911.
  13. Morietti

    Which was your first gun?

    In the supermarket in Elektro, i found a Lee Enfield and a Winchester with quite the ammo for it too, but i picked the Enfield up and stuck with that until i found a Kobra a few days later.