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About kempinukas

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  1. kempinukas

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Identical excuse that DICE/EA gave after a question about modding tools for Battlefield 3. Use your brain not your fingers.
  2. kempinukas

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    No Arma 3 engine :D owned again! keep the hype going It`s becoming obvious that dev team sold out. And they acting like every other big Company, locking content, pathetic.
  3. kempinukas

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    In E3 BIS promised that community alpha will be out this SUMMER! Liars!
  4. kempinukas

    Hacking in DE189

    This is sad that dev's don't even mention this problem, half of resent forum posts are all about hacking and nobody gives a flying f.
  5. kempinukas

    Hacking in DE189

    DE189 Me and my crew was fixing heli in Skalisty Island. the second it was fixed and engine starter, 2 guys appeared near the heli from the thin air and started 2 shoot, 3 of 5 that was fixing the heli killed on spot. I managed 2 take heli in 2 the air, landed it near closest fuel tank and filled full heli tank, flew about 5km away from the coast and landed on random mountain, middle of nowhere, the minute I left the heli and started running too look around I got a bullet 2 my head, from close range, dead instantly. Last member of the crew was siting in heli and swears hi didn't see any one around the heli and I didn't see anyone. Soul surviving crew member climbed to 500m and ejected. Moral of the story: Playing Dayz modification "Lingor" in private server.
  6. kempinukas

    Straightforward Banditry Solution

    And how about Clans with Base camps, markers on map will give away positions of that camps and rally point. Maybe some kind of penalty, that will apply after you'r re-spawn next time: half of blood, or broken legs, or bleeding and no bandage in inventory :D
  7. kempinukas

    Straightforward Banditry Solution

    You can hear the heartbeat of the player when you look at him, but the range is to small at the moment, just couple of feet. Don`t have the opportunity to compare heartbeat rate of different humanity state, so cant say for sure will I like it or not. Or maybe it's just me and it's a left over from Arma 2 :D
  8. kempinukas

    Straightforward Banditry Solution

    Isn't this a Post apocalyptic reality simulator? Situation 2: Me and my friend running from Zeds, I stop and start killing Zeds and my friend runs in the line of fire and I kill him, by accident, and what now, every one will hunt me, for this tragic accident? Your suggestion reminds me "Lineage 2", Korea'n MMORPG. If you kill some one, and he doesn't shoot back, you become a PKiller with red "NameTag" and in order to clear your "name" you must farm "mobs" or die, even Korea`ns wasn't showing on the map PKillers, just a red "NameTag".
  9. kempinukas

    Straightforward Banditry Solution

    Situation 1: I was ambushed, I manage to kill my attackers and what now, every one will hunt me, for self defense? Situation 2: Me and my fiend running from Zeds, I stop and start killing Zeds and my friend runs in the line of fire and I kill him, by accident, and what now, every one will hunt me, for this tragic accident?
  10. kempinukas

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    Incredible PC to do what? Arma2:Operation Arrowhead runs 60fps on same map' date=' in [u']SAME LOCATION, and DayZ runs 5fps... I think you don't understand Graphics Card work principle, it doesn't render the hole map, loot, zeds, at the same time, it renders ONLY what is in front of you, the place you are fasing, everything else is done by the SERVER.
  11. kempinukas

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    Arma2:OA with lots of tanks and solders loaded (map editor mode), on "Cherno" map, just flaying 60 fps. Arma2:Dayz same location no Zeds, no anther props, 20-30 fps and it drops to 5 fps in the end, can it be explained? AMD x4 core 8GB ram Win7:64bit GTX460 768mb