Pretty much the title, Obtained Both IZH-43 Shotgun & Blaze 95 Double Rifle, Loaded the IZH-43, Pressed the "T" button For the IZH-43 then fired it, end result, it only shot off one round. Then proceeded to repeat same steps with the Blaze Rifle which ended with the same results. Not sure if this is the case for other weapons that can be toggled, but concluded that this is currently happening with both the IZH-43 & Blaze. Also made a report ticket for this as well, Made this report on the 11th which has yet to be acknowledged, while other reports for other in-game bugs are currently being made over the past few days from the time this topic was started have been acknowledge, i cannot figure that out, but ok. If anyone is also experiencing this same issue for both of these firearms i listed or other firearms that are able to be toggled and no longer work please upvote this ticket and leave a response to other type of firearms you discovered that are no longer able to be toggled using the "T" button on the ticket link i posted. Thank you.