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Everything posted by TMOC

  1. So you obviously have a dilemma, players want to abuse the game and they have no incentive not to. People go to a place with high military loot spawns and clean it out, rejoin and repeat the process over and over and over again. So there is a way to actually get rid of that, it's actually inspired by what you did with helicopters. Essentially the idea is that you force players to move about to get the best loot, to get the most loot. Create benefit for going around and exploring, you want people to feel like that there's more benefit going from town to town, then just simply rejoining in the same spot over and over again to reep in loot. I mean - they break a lot of the mis en scene by rejoining. Because it doesn't really feel like hardcore survival, when you loot the same military base nine times - feels like you know, just a game. Not everyone does that though, bless their souls. So really simple, you just put out drops that can be found across the map. I'm not talking about those stupid airdrops you see in other games, I'm talking about random loot bags that can be found. Tents, bodies, survival packs and caches that can be found across chernaurus that are non persistant to all servers, they have a chance to spawn in a location - but will not always spawn there. If you ensure that these 'drops' tend to have a decent amount of good loot, then you will encourage your players to stop manipulating the game and to get them to start getting immersed. I know you'd expect them to do it yourselves, but man has proved time and time again over the years, that if they can take the easy way out - they will do it. So provide incentive for people to travel - create drops, give a sense of exploration and possibly fix the 'scavenging' part of your game. You do kind of want to drop the hammer though on this one, can't really do it lightly. It probably won't work if you put just a few drops out, it needs to be worth it for the players - otherwise they'll keep doing what they are doing, because so far sitting in an air tower and reconnecting seems to be working for people. Also kind of is cool when you think about it, not knowing if you are going to find a drop or not, while on the other case, you know exactly what you'll find when you loot a military base. Have fun bickering about the topic, I'll probably leave this here and never come back to it - got other stuff I want to do. Like - internet porn and more interesting writing opportunities, which might involve Shrek and Drek 2.
  2. That's cool, this thread's staying though as you do have similar ideas but are not conveying the same message as myself.