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About lpderek

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. They are not throwing valid concerns. They are not being nice at all quite frankly it that makes me mad. They throw valid points out, yes, but they were overly rude. I was asking for help and this is not help. It ticks me off. So why don't you guys go torment others.
  2. Dude why are you guys such dicks?
  3. I am a tech nerd. I have excperience working with computers but not much on servers. It's a challenge and when i get home I will have my income. And I am not begging i am asking for donations to start it earlier than i can start it. It is rude for you guys to just dis my post. We all start small and work our way up. Don't kick the little man just because you can. Help him and watch over him so he can grow up. So if you don't have anything nice to say then just go away. Oh and just because I am new to the forum doesnt mean anything at all. So what if i don't post or anything.
  4. Dude dont be a a$$ first off and because it is another chance for new players. A lot of people have problems and there are hackers everywhere. So I am going to actually regulate the server and treat it well thank you very much. Some people just dont have the money. So think before you talk like an a$$
  5. Hi everyone who reads this post! I am trying to start my own server! But since I dont have the income at the moment (taking care of my grandma 1,000 miles away from home) So i cant start funding it myself. So what can you do? Well PM me or email me at smithintrumpet@gmail.com with your donations info and all. Depending on how much i receive will determine the size of my server. So please help me out! Thank you! Ghost! :cool:
  6. lpderek

    Looking for a partner(s) USA :D

    I am about to respawn and id like to join.
  7. lpderek

    group up

    I want to assemble a team of 10ish people for a group. I want to assemble a vechile and a bunch of other things. Anyone want to join?
  8. lpderek

    Looking for a bandit group!

    Im new to the game. Now installing at the moment. I would love to learn from you guys if you dont mind. Willing to put time into it.