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Everything posted by fearsomeharbor6

  1. fearsomeharbor6

    Smoking Ash Gaming

    I also think this corrisponds quite well
  2. fearsomeharbor6

    Smoking Ash Gaming

    I was also banned the same day as ian, (as posted above) just for being corrisponded to him. But before I was banned he said to me that ian had "talked back" to the other admins. But this was impossible, the only time we have even seen an admin was today and we had only been playing on this server for 2 days anyways. so that was truly impossible for him to have even talked to an admin before that. so all in all the admin had lied and thrown out banns like an enraged two year old. and I dont think he "marine recon" he is more or less like a fat chairbound 40 year old virgin that likes to bann those that oppose him. I also think he has stolen valor!