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Everything posted by Nikko1312

  1. Hello, so I had a break from dayZ for like 2-3 months now, thougt i should try it out again now. I started up dayZ and figured that there is no servers available? and im not rly sure why? i tapped out to windows and i se this D:\steamlibrary\steamapps\DayZ\DayZ_BE.exe running window and it says: [iNFO] blocked loading of file: ''D:\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\dayz\dayz.exe'' Does any one know what this is? how to solve it? Here is a picture that shows the error. http://gyazo.com/f04514bb3225f690f67bad0bf6cd83e8
  2. is there any other kind of support regarding to this game than this forum?
  3. yet no one knows anything about this?
  4. yeah its probably the battleye...
  5. sad.. over to H1Z1 then i guess :(
  6. ive tried to reinstall the game, verify the files, cmd; “netsh winsock reset”. nothing really works, it remains the same... some1?
  7. no one knows anything about this issue?
  8. iv'e tried that as well.. :s but i got a feeling it has something to do with this blocked file
  9. could you also refresh the server list? because i cant find 1 single server to play on ..