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About Ingway

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  1. Hi, coming back to play Dayz again after a long time away from it. Felt like playing again after watching some videos about it but i felt like asking some things. 1- The new community maps: I am aware that the community made some new maps. They semm pretty cool but i'm wondering, are there any servers with all maps connected to each other like islands? Or do i just have to join a server with a specific map to actually play on it? 2- The status tab: I noticed after playing for a bit that the status bar on the top right is no longer there... is that a server thing or was it completely removed? 3- Are there alot of hackers still: During the time i stoped playing was also the time when hackers suddenly ran around all sorts of servers causing trouble. How's the situation with then at the moment? Hopefully those are easier to asnwer. Thanks in advance. Edit: Also another question, is fog in the game now too? Or is that a Dayz Origins deal?
  2. Ingway

    Should I Or Shouldn't I

    You come into a Dayz forum expecting that someone would say no? lol But unless you like reaslistic war games outside from the Dayz mod i'm not sure, maybe you should wait, because the game will get an standalone version for itself.
  3. I was messing about a night time server looking for loot, when i suddenly notice a freaking dog, and it vanishes. I tought it was some conflict with the sprite for the dog and made it appear, however i go outside and it's standing there... i shot it 2 times and it runs away... but he moves like a player. And then, some time later, after losing the dog, all of a sudden a freaking huge sniper spawns for me, along with m1911 2 morphine nvg, EVERYTHING. I'm guessing hackers but i'm not sure since i never saw this happen.
  4. Ingway

    Stop complaining about 'hackers'

    Ignore such treads, i see people crying from both sides, if i see a tread from a certain kind of deal that i do not care about i simply ignore it and move on, you also have to have in mind that hackers are a serious problem and people WILL complain about it.
  5. Ingway

    Why Day-Z Fails

    Criticism people, learn to take, the dude was pretty polite when expressing his opnion, the forums are here for this kind of thing as well dammit.
  6. Ingway

    DayZgear.... wtf?

    You know, if somebody is dumb enough to waste money on items from this game, i will make a rule to kill people like that.
  7. I think it's even more stupid to actually break your legs by making a sharp turn while in-between objects. First time it happened to my i was like "wtf just happned?"
  8. Ingway

    Dancing(animations) in DayZ??

    It's a video from Brazil, i can translate what they are saying, and first of all, the guy didn't start any scripts according to him it might have been an admin who has acess to these scripts and triggred it around the server for fun. Basically when it started he found it funny, and recorded.
  9. It does take a genius to come up with such a brillant idea
  10. Should've figured... well first time it ever happened to me so i got rather pissed at it, at least i didn't get shot.
  11. So, i ran into 2 people who were agrooing a shit ton of zombies, since they looked packed and i had just died minutes before, i tought "you know what, i'm shooting these guys". I had a CZ 550, was by the barns near the bridge in cherno and managed to shot one of then in the chest and he fell over, soon enough i notice the other one is gone, and so is the body of the guy that just feel unconscious... Is there a way for then to like... disconnect even when they fall unconscious? I must say if that's the case it pissed me off alot... i even managed to get out unscratched from the fight and no victory loot for me...
  12. But isn't finding the DRM itself rare?
  13. Ingway

    My player killing addiction

    Get some treatment... actually no, i don't belive you and i think this is just your way to see how people will respond to this.
  14. Ingway

    Day Z Urban Legends

    So why isn't this tread sticked again? Also some really interesting stories in here.
  15. I'm pretty sure you would find a moving mailbox weird, not to mention they can make you bleed a river of blood from PUNCHING you, while you're wearing really thick clothing, or maybe our character is just made out of glass.. that would explain how he breaks his legs so much. But if you think about it, the zombies alredy run faster than you, punch you and make you bleed... so yeah i guess they could have enchanced vision too...