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Everything posted by MinxinG

  1. MinxinG

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    Jezus newbies, I learned how to survive in DayZ by dying, just because you are new here doesnt mean that you need a "handcap", jeez, fucking man up and start thinking what you can do with the 'rules' of DayZ... Zombies aggro too easy? No shit!! It needs to be this way, I personally think that the zombies SHOULD AND NEED to be waay more deadlier, the game is too easy, If they aggro you can run like a chicken that he wont catch you, simple as that. "In real life" ( people love to mention it here, forgeting that this is a video game ) you would run like a bitch, you wouldnt think of punching the zombies since you dont know if they are infectious or dont feel pain or even both!, I wouldnt take a chance... So stop bitching and learn like I did, and trust me, if you think that this is hard, you should try one of the last patches that Rocky totally made aggro fucking awesome, you get 3 bars of "eye" while crounching and 4 bars "ears" walking normally ( not running ) MAN UP BITCH!!! i ruled :>
  2. MinxinG

    More vehicles equal less vehicles

    True Story hahaha
  3. Yep, a guy just destroyed my camp with 7 vehicles in it with a satchel charge, but Im lucky that I was the server admin and restarted and got the bastard banned, but yes, Its really out of control, 40% of DayZ players are cheaters, is almost becoming worse than Counter-Strike!!!
  4. MinxinG

    More vehicles equal less vehicles

    I like the way its now, thanks (y)
  5. MinxinG

    Zombies idea!

    They remind me the good days of Resident Evil :)
  6. MinxinG

    DayZ Commander to dayzmods.com

    As I hate SixLauncher, I will definetely support this Program, looks awesome. I will test it later
  7. MinxinG

    Slenderman Easter-Egg

    I want a survival game to be scary too :(, zombies aint that scary, SOMEONE SHOULD MAKE A SILENT HILL SURVIVAL GAME, Ohhhh YEAH! :D
  8. MinxinG

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    Have you guys lost your mind? This is the third topic about getting DayZ to console... Its ridiculous, first that this game is on alpha, and CONSOLE isnt able to do hotfixes as simple as PC, and consoles cant handle DayZ, like our friend said there it would need to be a. 2 D top view game
  9. Very well thought my sir, Im sure that idea will be considered!
  10. MinxinG

    Bring ACE to DayZ

    Hell no, too much realism for me!!
  11. MinxinG

    Bandit Skin

    True, they look totally boss LOL
  12. MinxinG

    The Adrenaline Status - Stop ALT+F4ing

    I think of : if he ALT+F4 while adrenaline is undergoing, hos character will be slayed and his body will keep where he currently was/is
  13. MinxinG

    Rooftop Fortification

    We need to have another Map, the map Chernarous is good, but now we need others
  14. MinxinG

    Ban all Bandits!

    Not being elitist, not saying that I'm better than them, but saying that I can coop better than them :D
  15. MinxinG

    Ban all Bandits!

    Banditry in this game is actually for a no endgame yet, people have nothing to do and realize that killing will have some fun, most of em ARE COD KIDDIES because they cant live without action in a game, people can easily survive without killing someone, food is abundant yet, thats another excuse to hide your CoD soul. Yes, I hate COD players.
  16. MinxinG


    You've been watching too much TDW eh? Kidding, its a great idea, but seems hard to be done
  17. MinxinG

    Have this spawn only at night.

    Naah dude, make Crysis 2 Aliens too!! Like , and then the nano suits soldiers come and then we kill em and then we steal their suits and then we leave em naked and then we be invisible and shit and then... No... Just no ... Lol
  18. MinxinG

    Manually Combine Partially Used Mags

    Not shit sherlock
  19. Not sure if Trol or scumbag, but its a win, get my beans
  20. MinxinG

    Manually Combine Partially Used Mags

    Dude, just combine and recombine it again, you will get full clip :D Thats a glitch that they do need to fix, but you know what? Time to kill zombies with 1911 :D
  21. Yep, I thought about it too, but idk Rocket will add it since he doesnt have any backstories, which is not hard to make one
  22. MinxinG


    Actually I hate COD :/ my point is, doesnt need all those weapons, a few of em its more than enough
  23. Really good idea, really unique, you got my beans and support
  24. MinxinG

    Strip car parts using toolbox

    I thought about it in the game but I forgot to suggest it, at least someone already did it! Way to go pal, awesome idea!
  25. MinxinG


    Telling you, you definetely came from COD (:D), this game needs balance, putting more guns in it its not going to solve the problem, every idiot has an AKM/74 or a M(x) , which is not totally realistic. Plus, your uncle isnt everyone. And I pretty much think you are bluffing