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About Gollas

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    On the Coast
  1. Thank you all for your answers, yeah i testet it out and its really server dependet. I found out its ONLY on private hives and thats sad. (only on full privates) I play public on full servers and NOTHING no desync absolutely NOTHING and thats so poor and sad becouse the private hives admins makes so much hard work to ban dupers,hackers,glitchers and that is our present for the hard work??? Its so unplayble on the server if they are full really unbeliveable i cant understand that.... And guys before you say not it isnt like you say or its my inet connections fault NO IT ISNT... And thats not only my opion (im a admin from a big private hive) all players on our server told me the same !!!! Normally i love to play dayz with all bugs and co but at the moment i cant ( btw normally i only play dayz and no other game ) I really really wish a fucking answer from Bohemia eugen or hicks or some one else!!!!
  2. yeah i know there was allways desync/lag before BUT till 0.57 its unplayable . I mean im going in a barn a my buddy ask me why i move up the hill 200meters. That cant be normal. And the devs says BIG "serverperformce increased" and "fixed desync" in 0.57 .... Not really its now nearly unplayble ! Can you guys confirm that??? Greetings
  3. Hey guys im new here, and first sorry for my maybe bad english. Can you guys confirm that the desync and lags (player positions/pick up items/open items/interact) are really BAD till 0.57 released? And i mean really bad, it makes not fun to play, players teleport and desync so hard its nearly impossible to fight or interact with players. We ( not only me, all people i ask tell me the same) testet it on many servers (eldorado, selbstjustiz, wobo) just private servers. But only if they are full, on half full or near empty servers it isnt so bad. Can you confirm that?? Thx guys