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About dayz-spike

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    On the Coast

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  1. dayz-spike

    Developer Appreciation

    I'm not to impressed with the development. But delays happend to other studios and developers as well. And while i was absolutely unhappy with the way a non-working persistence+Loot system was forced upon players with .54 and .55(thats the moment player numbers collapsed) and the arrogance with which that happened ("live with it"), i dont forget that it is an alpha, that it is early access and that SOME things have improved in the last patch. Not without new drawbacks though. While Zombies dont cheat anymore in combat, (they only hit you when they actually hit you, not 3 times while just running past, are easier to hit and kill) they now run through doors again. The non-working loot respawn FINALLY have been replaced with a Restart-resets-loot. Even one daily restart was for a full server ridiculous! So thanks for that, WHY TOOK IT SO LONG?! And something amazing happend with .56 and.57. A new patch was tested and serveral times changed on "experimental" BEFORE it was moved to stable. I play dayz for much more then a year and i cant remember this happened ever before. Everyone who complains about the current patch may remember the one, where servers crashed every 15-30minutes. They did it on exp. And you thought... well they cant POSSIBLY move that patch to stable... The patch WAS nonetheless moved to "stable" and the "hotfix" took several weeks. So i hate to see empty servers, but if it taught the developers a lesson about what you can throw at players, ea or not, and what not, its done something good. In the end i dont expect the "next stable patch" to suddenly finish the game or solve all problems. But there should be so much compromise for the early access system that in a game which HAS dedicated experimental servers, stable patches are at least playable. And .54 on private servers wasnt. (plucking apples for an hour is not a game, its work. And its boring). .57 with all its flaws is playable. Thats good enough for me.
  2. Badboyz is back. It ran quite successful for half a year.Gallery Was then ended for personal and organisatorical reasons. Now it is back. New Ip, same basic rules, same people. Hostet by fragnet in (US) Atlanta, GA IP: Port:2502 Early board with more details http://board.dayzbadboyz.com Teamspeak ts3.dayzbadboyz.com Server starts at 11am Loot is reset on every restart. Providing a server where youre not getting killed on every corner. And is and remains open to everyone. And not without communication. And NOT by snipers. Without being completely "friendly" or applying hardcore RP rules. Proper communication is our main aim. Were not only writing no-kos and no snipers in the title. Active Admins really mean it! We welcome players who dont play dayz to kill as many others as possible. Including non kos-bandits IP: Port:2502 So everyone is welcome, who wants to try it a bit more RPish but without application forms, whitelists, backstory and other hardcore rules. Friendly or not, communication is our main aim. It worked well in the past, although certainly not perfectly, hopefully it will again.There was certainly a hell of a lot less random killing then elsewhere. Everyone who doesnt, please dont join, just to prove something or "show us". Thank you :) There will never be a password or a whitelist for this server. We imported snipers and hackers from the old banlist. Almost everyone else was removed.