SO me and my two mates were just playing on 'DayZ UK 4-057 - Hosted by Fragnet' server. It was a full server and this happened... We were approaching Cherno from the West running along the beach. Shots were fired but no hits, no gun shots so we figured they were from Chap appartments. We took cover and then continued our run East. Upon reaching the white TEC building (we had our backs against the wall to the South West of the TEC) and multiple shots were fired. We had the East and West sides covered with binoculars and hunting scopes so the only place it could have been was the docks, we swept that earlier and figured people don't really camp there and was safe to move on, schoolboy error. Anyways one of out party (me) died and the other two managed to escape up the TEC building roof. I got a lucky respawn and my newly fledged Bambi made his way back to the TEC to maybe try and recover gear and or help in the inevitable battle. All sound pretty normal normal in a game of DayZ, right? My question is to the forums is...while Ii was running backas a Bambi, the other two were trapped like rats on the roof, one of the guys that killed me, made contact and referred to our two guys personally. Now unless I'm missing something, it's impossible to know a players name unless you physically interact with them, right? The plot thickens, When I arriving back at the TEC building as a Bambi, the same guy (he was Russian and was slanging some hate towards the Brits, but whatever) referred to me personally while he was 10-15m away? Can't be coincidence surely? Random Bambi's try to punch geared players all the time. How is it possible for one Russian guy to know the names of 3 different people without interacting with them? My geared body was never looted til later, so he didn't check my name) I hope this is a bug or I'm being retarded and that I haven't just encountered my first arsehole 'cheater'... Cheers