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About ikonn

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    On the Coast
  1. ikonn

    Always Night?

    I have tried multiple servers and all of them are night time setting. Even on the 24/7 days servers. Is this something that Devs are doing for testing? Thanks in advance for a response.
  2. For the love of God, please fix the horrible fighting mechanics when facing zombies! Have the DEVs completely forgot that this is a ZOMBIE survival game and not just a SURVIVAL game? It is impossible to kill zombies within reason. Just the complete hand weapon combat needs soooo much work. I could really care less about the new items yall are placing into the game. I want to be able to go into a town and kill some zombies while I am there. Not run from them every time one comes after me because they beat you unconscious. One around 2 weapons will kill a zombie with 2-3 blows, other than that you better run. You might as well remove them because the mechanics are complete broke. Very frustrating to play. Again, please get back to the main focus on the game which is ZOMBIES. I love the game in almost every direction that you guys are going, except for the fact that the game has been out over a year and the Zombie combat is still 100% broken. Please if anyone else feels the same, speak up so we can get this addressed.