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Everything posted by gjahtari1@web.de

  1. Everytime the Server restarts helicopters are despawning and spawning again at their normal spawnpoint.
  2. im playing on an updated server. We were driving around since 3hs now, but we didnt even hear a chopper. We have been at both aifields, stary, berenzino, cherno, even Skalisty Island. Our server Is LU45. Is this server really updated?
  3. gjahtari1@web.de

    Banned on FR75!

    Hey guys, i died on FR75, and spawned again. Then i was running at Balota airfield. Where someone was shooting at me. So i logged of. Im logging in and got instant-killed. -ok-. 30 secs later i got kicked for the reason Hacking/Cheating. I joined again. A message came No logging out during PVP. -OK-. Im spawning again in Elektro. Im running arround. Suddenly i got banned for Cheating/Hacking?! I didnt even log out any more!!
  4. gjahtari1@web.de

    Problem with FR75

    Hey, this is a post to the admin of FR75. Your server is our main-server. All our cars and tents are on it. Yesterday the server restarted with the new beta patch. Sice this time all our cars and tents are away. Is there any opportunity to fix that? Greetings
  5. gjahtari1@web.de


    Hey, me and my guys were playing on FR59. Built a camping place, found a car etc. Today this server is away from the server list. Is it renamed? Or just down? Maybe someone knows about that. Greetings Zaros
  6. gjahtari1@web.de

    New Update/Ghillie Bug

    Hey, 2 questions. When does the update come? Is the Ghillie bug fixed in there? Greetings
  7. gjahtari1@web.de

    New Update/Ghillie Bug

    Six Updater doesnt have to latest patch...and does the thing that i can wear ghillies come with or
  8. gjahtari1@web.de

    Server Side Problem

    Hey, i got a big problem with my Main-Server (US 5 Chicago). I was playing on this server since the update was coming, because its one of the most stabled servers. So, now i got a problem. When im changing the server, im spawning on the beach again, and this on any server im trying to join. I got weapons and backpack at this server, but i think its not being saved to the master-server. Please help me, i dont want to loose my things. Greetings
  9. gjahtari1@web.de

    Server Side Problem

    both are connected
  10. gjahtari1@web.de

    How can you tell if someone is a bandit?

    If your standing near to him, you hear a loud Heartbeat. (Its really loud).
  11. gjahtari1@web.de

    Ghillie Suit

    Hey guys, yesterday i found a ghillie suit in Stary Stobor. Now my question: Is it still bugged? After that patch ive got a bug, that im swimming in the ground, then my inventory is empty and im standing again there. Is it still there, because i dont want to loose my AS50... Greetings
  12. gjahtari1@web.de

    Server Side Problem

    How can i check this?
  13. gjahtari1@web.de

    Server Side Problem

    BUT US 5 Chicago is an offical server, so normaly it has to work. And i dont understand what i have to do with this @hive.