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About riggsx

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. riggsx

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    I run a rig with the following specs i5-2500k cpu (3,3ghz) 16gb RAM GTX 970 (4GB) Windows 7 professional Game installed on SSD disk. I have in general very high FPS but in some places - especially Novodimitrovsk, Severograd & Svetlojarsk (despite that there are few people there compared to, say, Berezino, where my FPS is higher) - I get absolutely horrendous FPS, well below 10. I run with maxed graphics except post processing, because it blurred the distance so much. Is this problem geographical on the map or am I doing something wrong? Resolution is 1920x1080. Is the issue perhaps my CPU (bought ~2011), that is a bit older than the rest of the system?
  2. riggsx

    Difference in loot spawns?

    Ok, that makes perfect sense. Thank you very much! As far as the zombies go I assume my observation was simply wrong : )
  3. riggsx

    Difference in loot spawns?

    I see what you mean. However, it can not be a result of server hopping and looting. A small industrial shack containing sometimes over 30 items (with many duplicates) and nothing in the residential houses even after reset out in the countryside? The scale is too large to attribute to players, I think, but I may be wrong, of course. The main question is why there can be such a difference between servers and their mode and geographical spread of loot. It bewilders me still. Anyways, I will give public servers another chance and try the countryside a bit more. We'll see how it is : ) edit: Does "per" on or off have anything to do with this perhaps? edit2: Also, it seems zombies on public servers hit me about twice as many times within the same time as on the private server I usually play on :s
  4. Hi everybody. I've started playing this game together with a seasoned friend previous week and we play on some private server, which we settled upon as the loot drop was fairly balanced. There is enough of everything whilst no cornucopia. However, I tried to play on the public servers (it's nice to have options to use your geared characters on more servers than one!) but the loot seems very weird. I find no food or drink whatsoever, but the industrial loot is extremely plenty (over 10 items in a small industrial building!). Why is it like this? And why do so many play on public servers when you can't even find food? Also, how can this situation be so different from private and public servers? I might be doing something wrong here, and if so please let me know.