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Lucian (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Lucian (DayZ)

  1. Lucian (DayZ)

    Best gun for player hunting

    I prefer the DMR most of the time, but M4A1 CCO is pretty good too. And I just loooove the revolver.
  2. Lucian (DayZ)

    How Did You First Become a Bandit?

    I like to switch it up a bit, remember playing as a hero at first though. But it just don't have the same feel to it as being a bandit. When you have someone in your scope, it's really hard not to pull the trigger. Plus after you die numberous of times, you just really stop bothering with being friendly.
  3. Going to be releasing a lot more on our youtube, so feel free to subscribe to us if you like this kind of stuff.
  4. I had troubles connecting with the IP earlier today, but simply typing in WDU in the filter did the trick for me.
  5. We have members from all over the world, so we're pretty much on most of the day.
  6. Lucian (DayZ)

    Admin Abuse US35 banned for ghosting

    I had a great time when you guys assaulted us, gave me some action on my sentry duty :D But I did see two of you spawn right in our camp and it was obvious that you were well prepared before even joining the server. I love how the guy with the Bizon spawned in the tree night next to me and started open fire on one of our team mates straight away. I had lots of fun, got to shoot down three of you before you got me. But you were ghosting and you know it's wrong.
  7. Lucian (DayZ)

    Killed by axe-killers

    Pretty much the same thing happend to me once. In a wierd way I prefer getting chopped down by an axe dude than getting shot down by a camping sniper.
  8. Lucian (DayZ)

    Whoa arma 2 is baaad

    It's alpha what do you expect? I really hope you decide to quit though, we don't want people like you in our community. You should stick to playing Call of Duty. I really don't understand why people complains about bugs, it's not even beta yet. What you should do is help the crew out and report the bugs to help improve the game. Whining won't do anything.
  9. Lucian (DayZ)

    Was it wrong?

    Sounds like they were stupid, I wouldn't give away my loot like that. I would rather die fighting.
  10. Lucian (DayZ)

    The Walking Dead USMC is recruiting

    This seems great, perhaps my clan would be interested in merging with you guys. But I assume that you guys are from the US and that might be a problem since all of us are European. Perhaps we could work something out anyway in worst case scenario. Anyway we're a group of about 10 people called DZF "Dayz Fellowship". Most of us are playing pretty much every day.
  11. Lucian (DayZ)

    How many survivors did you killed

    Think I've had 5 as most, I always get unlucky and have some guy randomly run into me from behind.
  12. Lucian (DayZ)

    EU8 Firefight electro.

    Fuuuu, I will get you for this.