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About idipgriz2much

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    On the Coast
  1. idipgriz2much

    Bad Company Gaming

    Hi idipgriz2much here (President of Bad Company Gaming) I am here to tell you about the next greatest to be clan in all of PC gaming. Bad Company Gaming. Bad Company gaming originated on Xbox 360 as an MLG clan. It collapsed after great success due to errors in administration and hackers. But, WERE BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER. This time were doing it RIGHT. We currently have a facebook page, website and DayZ Epoch Server! And that's just in the first week! Imagine the possibilities. Together with our tech experts we will soon be upgrading the servers and expanding or making more servers as well as adding a teamspeak. We will soon be competing and dominating numerous DayZ servers as a clan. Now for recruitment. Here all the requirements for joining Bad Company Gaming. 1. Recruits must be at least 16 years of age, however some exceptions will be made. 2. Absolutely NO HACKING, MOD MENU's ETC INSTANT BAN!!!! 3. Respect all members and especially higher ranking officers 4. No excessive profanity/raging etc. 5. If you're going to miss a practice or scheduled event please notify a higher ranking officer or clan member. MORE REQUIREMENTS WILL BE POSTED ON THE WEBSITE SOON. If you meet this criteria congratulations you are eligible to join the clan. Please submit forms to website (www.badcompanygaming.webs.com) and we will usually reply within 24-48 hours. Once your application is accepted you will become a recruit. At this stage you will enter boot camp. Here you will meet a required amount of hours with the clan, be taught real life military techniques to help improve your skill and complete various other tasks. After you complete boot camp you will officially be a member, be awarded membership on the website and soon to be Teamspeak. You will start as a Private 1st Class and rank your way up (check U.S. Military ranks for official ranks. Don't forget to like us on Facebook AND GO APPLY TODAY!!! BAD COMPANY GAMING "WATCH YOUR SIX" LINKS: Official Website: www.badcompanygaming.webs.com Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/badcompanygamingpc DayZ Server: Bad Company Gaming Official Dayz Epoch( IP address: