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About Shuu37

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  1. Because inland, people have been out there awhile - and they don't want to risk losing things because someone says they're "friendly" - then 10 minutes later they get shot and lose their gear. :P Looks for people in the forums to team up with before going into the game - it's easier, and you can respawn until you are with your friends.. then move into the game.
  2. Shuu37

    Solution to the CoD vs Carebears

    Solution: Don't push your playstyle on others - it's like it's become a fucking religion and if you don't follow it, you're an idiot. >_>
  3. I'm not your bro You kind of did, by saying its cheap crap to play on name tag servers. I never said I was elite, far from it, but the game mode I play is and it's the way it should be played by all. I don't want to play some game that assists me and holds my hand like having a green crosshair or letting myself look around corners in 3rd person. I want challenge in a unique way and this mod provides that. - start a new life with no weapon= Awesome - makes night dark as fuck! = Awesome - make zombies harder = Awesome How many people are complaining about that? I will leave it at that. Time to play some dayz @ night How do I become as bad ass as you? You seem to be one of those elitist fags that like to say you're the best because you play on veterans servers.
  4. Shuu37

    ESP Hack - Undetectable

    Ok, hacking is bad - but your suggestion wouldn't really work. In real life, I would be able to walk up to a tent in the forest and take what I please, I wouldn't need a passcode..
  5. I really hope 3rd person stays. The wobbly screen and close up blurs realy hurt my eyes and give me headaches, I play strictly in 3rd person to prevent this. I hope it stays and the people trying to force playstyles think of others that have medical conditions.
  6. Shuu37

    Friends are taking a brake.

    Try Six Launcher - it updates the game automatically upon launching the actual application, and there is no downloading/moving files - as the six launcher does it all for you. Very convenient and allows for easy updates.
  7. Shuu37

    Morphine location?

    You're only going to find some in very scarce parts of small residential areas. The major source of morphine is going to be in the hospitals near Elektro and Cherno. Good luck!
  8. Shuu37

    Well,that sucks.

    The problem is the YouTube scene is attracting younger ones to the game - thus creating a more typical player base that has no clue what an Alpha phase is - it's unfortunate, but true. You will lose characters, Rocket could choose to wipe every character in the next patch, or give everyone M249s at spawn - it's an alpha, where they test features, create new features, and change things.
  9. Shuu37

    [VIDEO] It seems the bandits are worse

    I love the fact that other people can kill you, it makes the game more intense and scary. :D
  10. Fucking dogs? That rape your ass hole and rip out your spinal cord? OH SHIT.
  11. Shuu37

    I am done with this mod

    That sort of made my laugh.
  12. Shuu37

    No loot anywhere (

    I've found a whole bunch of things - actually more than previous playthroughs. This time around, I found a watch, compass, map, hunting knife, axe, AKM - 6 mags, flash light, camo outfit, M1911 - 3 mags, and countless other Makarovs.
  13. Shuu37

    Six laucher... Useless

    I love the launcher, I hate going through folders and extracting things, I'd rather use a one click updater process. :)
  14. Shuu37

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Thank you for the hotfix - majority of it sounds good. :)