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About nuttex

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Chernarus has a border with southern part of Russia, not northern. Don't assume it's all Siberia from Baltic/Black sea till the Pacific. In fact, Chernarus shares the border with Takistan, for what it's worth.
  2. Gray one - UH-1Y "Venom" of USMC. Green one - UH-1H of US Army.
  3. nuttex

    Bandits as opfor

    That'd effectively destroy the entire point of mod.
  4. nuttex

    Elektro in a Blaze

    ArmA 2 bug. Sometimes, you may have a huge fire in skybox all over the skies. Usually happens on Domination servers, for some reason. My friends and I started calling it a Universal Fire a few years ago.
  5. nuttex

    Military Ambience

    So, has there been a response from the team about this idea so far?
  6. nuttex

    Unofficial DayZ Teamspeak Server

    "Channel maxfamily reached" whenever I try to join European channels.
  7. nuttex

    DayZ Memes

    There is only so much pony crap one forum can digest, dude. Also, this is what this thread is all about, despite having some nice gimmicks.
  8. nuttex

    So hard as a non Steam user to install.

    Eh, I have been using the same good old method of shortcuts (@mod=) since 2001 :D
  9. How does vanilla flavour sound?
  10. nuttex

    Cinematic mode

    You do realise it's all done by mission maker through editor? Or perhaps you know how to use showHUD in-game? Either way, cheers for that smartass cute comment. And I did mean Survival HUD as well as hint box. Also, made a mistake of posting the thread in a wrong subforum. May any mod move to DayZ suggestions section, please?
  11. nuttex

    Cinematic mode

    Is there a way to hide/pop up HUD via action in action menu? I mean status bars and all that jazz. That'd help a lot for making good screenshots (cropping is not a solution) and videos inside the mod rather than replicating it in editor for better content quality.
  12. nuttex

    Karma affecting starting gear

    Entire idea about punishing people for PvP is rubbish. I, just like anyone here, don't like it when I get shot without any warning, but that's the thing about mod - it's not supposed to be comfortable or nice to you. So instead of being a whiny pussy some of us seem to, we are suppose to take the challenge ahead and move on. Oh, and the vast majority of bandits are hardly bad. It's all about self-defence and survival: kill or be killed.
  13. nuttex

    Day 1 of Dayz - trailer of sorts

    Eh, I'd personally shoot it all in editor - make it look as close to DayZ as possible, but without HUD and the rest. Also, that'd be a plus if you found a better version of that music track from Inception.
  14. nuttex

    How many vets?

    I'm in since OFP (2001). I don't have TrackIR, although have been thinking about making one myself. ALT key is perfect for looking around in OFP/ArmA as is anyway.