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About pipenza

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. pipenza

    The day I found 33 grenades! EPIC video!

    Yeah, i see what you did there :) I mean the general point of survival game is to ... eeh ... survive. Anyway, nice vid. At first is was a bit boring, then the fun with grenades more entertaining, and the final part just made it a bit epic. Good job man. p.s. The reason i mostly act like most people do is the reason no one would ever like to watch my vids if i made any lol.
  2. pipenza

    The day I found 33 grenades! EPIC video!

    dude, you could just swim further into the sea and drop all cheater's loot there, swim back and have a nice short life. No doubt that would have taken away all the drama though.
  3. it's pretty obvious. if u r going to connect to 10/40 server, it's probably something wrong there. try 40/40 instead
  4. now when the things are clear, may i suggest some humor )
  5. of course a distributed database, mirrors etc is an option. But it takes money. And Rocket don't even want to hear about donations. I wounder why
  6. u think u have problems? HAHA! http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/vyc4z/linux_users_permanently_banned_from_diablo_iii/
  7. also when u not trying to login you reducing the load of the hive when you spamming connect button u actually helping ddosers... also, i barely understand the countermeasure tactics, but i think hive's ISP could be blocking some ip ranges temporarily where most of attacks come from. If there are any centers. That could explain why u successfully log onto some servers and no luck with the others just wait for official message don't panic because ddosers want u to have u seen any activity from the stuff lately? here, on the twitter, anywhere? Even moders - i believe they all fighting for u to play, stop crying u only making it worse. Even if they all went to sleep, they deserve some rest, don't u think?
  8. it seems the whole site is down... any thoughts?
  9. i'm sorry for the offtop but is all that annoying overquoting is really necessary? is that some sort of a "new" trend? still can't connect
  10. omg you fixed everything i've noticed and hated yesterday in and more. i can't believe it :)