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About don1107

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  1. SO... is there any talk when we will have zombies ingame?
  2. don1107

    Error when exiting game

    Well game play is very rough at best. So might actually effect game play. Just my opinoin
  3. don1107

    Error when exiting game

    http://prntscr.com/8wo6nh i keep getting this error when exiting game. Will this effect my game play?
  4. don1107

    10 FPS lol surely I can get better

    https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/224710-performance-issues/ i changed to these yesterday, especially the cfg settings. i went from 8 fps, to over an average of 35 fps. i did all the steps exzcept the mousewheel
  5. don1107

    Is This Lag?

    I used a couple of the stickys in here, and changed my graphic settings and I must say quality is very nice, between 25-40 fps not too bad. Just have 2 annoyinh things happening, 1 is a stutter step i guess, that is consitent and never stops, another is a lighting efffect during opening screen, and when ever i open an ingame window. I did make a video of it. You will see the "stutter" step in the first part of video. any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated ty https://youtu.be/LWB_jrDRaPM
  6. don1107

    Graphics settings

    Havent played for last 6 months. Came back in and game has a lot of bugs with graphics. I have a lightning effect happening with loading screen. also very laggy ingame and seems everything is out of focus ans twitchy. Does anyone have a graphics set up i could follow to get me back to a simple playable game?
  7. don1107

    =UWS= United We Stand ~ RECRUITING (Est. 2003)

    I did a search for "stars and stripes" is it still active? was dropping into say hi
  8. don1107

    Best all around gun?

    now the 101 uses 5.56 and ak 7.62 does that mean ak has better stopping power? and are both full auto?
  9. don1107

    Best all around gun?

    Looking for a versatile mid range(sniping) gun perfeerable with a scope if needed, or no scope, and decent close range also. i see the 101, and the m74. was wondering if there wasw a 500-600m range fairly accurate gun. Mosin isnt an option. Also what guns can use the bipod?
  10. don1107

    Bambi with broken legs

    n perfect ty
  11. Ok just spawned, fell from a cliff, i have a broken leg and nothing tomake kindling with. I do have 2 rags. Is there a solution to this? cant even find a zombie to kill me. Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated, As crawling and basically going nowhere really sux.
  12. don1107

    Sniper Rifle?

    As i do not have any RL friends that play game, i have always like the sniper solo game. I am assuming it is still a viable game play style?
  13. don1107

    Sniper Rifle?

    Where do you find sniper rifles now adays? Been looking onlinr for somer help, all threads i see are older ones, and of really no help. Also one other question, can you get loot on a private server and take to a public server? semms everythime i spawn on a private server I am a bambi again.\ ty