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About dessertbunny

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    On the Coast
  1. dessertbunny

    No servers on Windows 8.1

    It's been fixed. Thanks guys! :)
  2. dessertbunny

    No servers on Windows 8.1

    I haven't been able to play Dayz in about a month because every time I start the game, I get no servers. Today, I logged in and the picture was horrendous. I redid all the settings, hopefully it's back to normal in some sense. However, I cannot play the game at all. I was under experimental so I finally have given up on that in an effort to find servers. I removed the experimental option and am now unsuccessfully attempting to find an actual standalone server. Not happening. I even re-verified the cache, it says it's fine. My windows firewall is allowing access to the game. I looked on here and since I have Windows 8.1 I downloaded Fix Win as stated in this thread: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/220253-dayz-standalone-no-servers/and following that link to: http://forum.thewindowsclub.com/windows-tips-tutorials-articles/35087-reset-winsock-windows-7-8-a.html I ran Fix Win and I don't see how it can help me, I don't know what I am doing, I do not know what IPv4 or whatever version I have. I just want to run this game for once. I have attempted to contact BI before, they don't respond or care. How can I run cmd as an admin? It all doesn't make sense. When I loaded Dayz today, I got an error that vehicles could not be loaded. Who cares, I wasn't trying to load a vehicle, I was trying to load the game but there no servers. How do I fix this? I already went to http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/220962-game-doesnt-start-no-servers-are-shown/....I'm not banned. Just tell me exactly what to do, not on a Windows 7 machine, but 8.1, you know, the Windows version that refuses to use anything the way Windows used to. Please help, I'm so over this trying to troubleshoot when a game should run the way it's supposed to. I am tired of "waiting it out." It's the end of May, it's getting old. My anger cannot handle much more of Dayz. First it's the game, now it's the servers. (I don't know how to fix the background, I copied and pasted IPv4 and it ruined it all.)