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Everything posted by JTKnight

  1. JTKnight

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I'm guessing that's a joke about the starvation bug. Hard to tell. I haven't logged any time on exp today so couldn't tell you, but from what I've read loots not respawning. Or at least the timer for respawn is set to 24/48 hours.Now that I think about it. This starvation bug, it's happening to randomly. Someone mentioned that a new config file was made each time a new character was started on a server. I've checked the config files and never found anything related to energy/hydration variables being added beside usual inventory data. Wondering if the issues not just server side and but also client side with the data gets passed back and forth. Sorry, stupid rant. Worked for the last 12 hours straight and my brains still stuck in gear.
  2. JTKnight

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Well, I haven't emcountered the same bug as the others with food/starvation, but I have noticed hunger sets in faster and degrades faster. Blood loss seemed to accelerate the hunger issue more, normal when the system is running fine but an issue with the current build. All add this info to the bug report linked above. Did have an encounter with a couple of the new zombies. They're movement speed isn't as fast as before, and I was able to avoid some of the attacks. Landing body shots with fists seemed to have a stun effect on the zed, because it would stop in its attack animation and stand still for a second before attacking again. The behaviors defiantly different from the zeds on stable. Second encounter was when I was checking out a two story red house. Walked in the entrance and cleared the lower floor, glanced up the stairs and almost crapped my pants when I saw a zed at the top. It aggro'd and I was out of there within in a second and slammed the door behind me.
  3. JTKnight

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Eve Online has something a bit similar to the CLE but you can't make a direct comparison because Eve's system tracks the level of resources in an area where CLE was designed to track loot spawns. In eve, when resources in one region reach being almost completely deplete, the system will respond by concentrating more resources spawns in a new region. That's just a guess on my part, Il can't tell you what the designers intended. Could be what we're seeing now is an early iteration of the CLE system.
  4. JTKnight

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Techniqually, a sharpening stone or whet stone would be more effective in maintaining any kind of blade if it's a hunting knife or splitting axe. I could defimatly see the devs adding something like a consumable item similar to the sawing kits where it can only be used X amount of times before being used up. The thing I wish they would change is how much a blade's condition improves by; it should just be more than simply taking a blade from badly damaged to just damaged. The game's still a long way from gold and even beta. So who knows.Just reporting in. I was on US Central 0-1 a while ago and noticed a lot of audio sounds playing of runnimg footsteps and cracking twigs. Usually when I hear that I know it's a good indication that there's other players nearby. The sound was playing continuously so I thought someone was trailing me and so I circuled around and got set up to ambush who ever it was. No one appeared and I didn't see anyone else nearby. So I waa wondering if anyone else has noticed this and if it could be a bug? Edit: Evem when I stopped and wasn't moving. I could still hear the audio playing.
  5. JTKnight

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Just wondering, do you need a large stone or small stone to repair a damaged blade? Cause I found a pristine sword at Rog Castle last night and I was planning on keeping it.
  6. JTKnight

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Heard some good things from friends, I took a break from the EMU and others to focus on my studies and get my degree. And Space was the only reason I played SGW for as long as I did. Hope the EMU team can get all the original features in as well as the newer ones SOE decided to through in at the last minute before the entire game was shut down. Atmospheric flight being one of them.
  7. JTKnight

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Damn, still no servers. Guess it's a waiting game now. Does anyone know if any update notes were released on .57 yet? And if we're all starting as fresh spawns? Seemed that way after reading some of the earlier posts. @Barnabus Don't mean to butt In, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. But, think an argument could be made that Galaxies down fall started when SOE released the Combat Upgrade that came before the NGE. I knew a few people who left the game just because they hated the new combat system. I played post NGE and only got a chance to play the other systems thanks to the eumlator.