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Everything posted by Goony

  1. Goony

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Liking the new cursor position, takes some getting used to and I managed to change it from right hand to left hand viewing... Has anyone found out how to switch it yet. Then I can be ambidextrous, might help when peeking ;) Edit: nevermind I got ninja'd
  2. Goony

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I also stumbled onto this location, I really like the general area and will probably make a camp there on stable. Do you know who it is that the picture is of on the center grave? Same spot different angle ;)
  3. Goony

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Was testing the desync/lag issue just before the servers went down and it seems to be partially caused by the clothes stacking in your inventory. I had a heap of clothes inside clothes and was running really slowly, when I took them out the running speed went back to normal. Probably something to do with all those items moving location on the server... Not totally sure thou ;)
  4. Goony

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Hey all, new player and 1st post on forums :) Can't recall it being mentioned in this thread, but Gorka has had some massive changes... Police station has been relocated, lots of new buildings and some changes to the terrain ;)