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About yusi

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  1. yusi

    What do you think of this situation

    This is my playstyle. Im the guy that runs the fuck away once I hear someone. And if those fuckers yell "FRIENDLY", I'll headshot them with my winchester or unload with mp5 :3
  2. yusi

    Obtain higher FPS in DayZ

    For development, you generally get all the features in first, then fix the bugs. If code a depends on code b, and you fix code b before implementing code c which will also use code b, you risk having to redo your work twice. Hence why beta is the "feature-complete" stage of development, and alpha is the "cram crap in here and see how it works"-stage. That's the reason they're giving you several warnings. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle
  3. yusi

    Obtain higher FPS in DayZ

  4. yusi

    Third person

    I'd like to know where the op got the idea that 3pp was getting removed. Only time I saw it answered was when someone asked Hicks on twitter if 1pp could be mandatory through 1 patch, to which Hicks asked him to stop forcing his playstyle upon others (which I highly agree with)
  5. yusi

    Where can I find these items

    Batteries are in the game, just very rare, per Eugene and mr Hicks
  6. yusi


    They dont know yet
  7. yusi

    Multiple issues

    Fps lag? Or desyncing (aka warping around)?
  8. yusi

    Tents are despawning .. Why?

    Only the devs could answer that. Might be next patch, might be later.
  9. yusi

    Tents are despawning .. Why?

    Persistence for tents/loot is disabled on all servers.
  10. yusi

    Animals since 0.57

    Between Polana and Gorka I believe. It was me and two mates, we found our fourth in Polana, and started moving towards Gorka. Saw the deer in that field, and got me some nice steaks. Ditched the pelt because meh :3
  11. yusi

    Animals since 0.57

    I've only spotted one, east of Berenzino between two villages whose name escapes me.. Was on a big field. :3
  12. yusi

    DayZ Standalone Singleplayer

    Some info here: http://www.vg247.com/2015/06/17/coming-soon-for-dayz-single-player-mode-server-tools/
  13. yusi

    Animals since 0.57

    You need a sharp stick, but use a knife on a tree and you get a pre-sharpened stick. On the topic of fires, how many logs does it take for it to burn a reasonable amount of time? I started one with three logs in it, and it didnt burn long enough for my deer steak to get cooked :3