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About klaviatura257

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. klaviatura257

    Looking for player(s)| mic-only [Europe]

    i wont pay to texasbully013 i am from Latvia, speak EN GER and a bit RU
  2. klaviatura257

    Looking for people to Team with!

    are you still looking for people
  3. klaviatura257

    Plz help,

    Yea Respawn dos not work, tnx do
  4. klaviatura257

    Plz help,

    I tried press ESC, Abort, Disconnect, and then press OK, did no work. OMG I am noob,but what is Batleye? OOO OK
  5. klaviatura257

    Plz help,

    Please help, I have the update and I still do not work, It always thrown it into the empty field with the same stuff with which I finished playing,even if I created a new profile. some servers may show only Loding I am desperate, i do no now what to do. Help me PLZ
  6. klaviatura257

    PLZ Help, can`t move

    Yes 1.7.1
  7. klaviatura257

    PLZ Help, can`t move

    can not respawn to.
  8. klaviatura257

    PLZ Help, can`t move

    Hi, i can not move when I am in the game. i need help.